Visiting The Farm

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Jets pov

"hehe farm farm!" bean chanted excitedly.

We arrived at the farm for our next trip. Bean ran after the chickens excitedly. I laughed at him. It was adorable to see him so excited.

We walked around the farm and kiibo pointed at all the different animals asking questions about them. My throat was sore by the end of it but I was happy. I love talking to my little bean and teaching him new things. Though some of the questions he asked were a little awkward.

"hey papa how come we can talk and walk on two feet while those birds cluck and walk about with those funny legs of theirs" he asked.

"umm I'll tell you when you're older" I laughed nervously. I last thing I want to do is explain the weird laws of this world to a four year old!

"adults always say that but they never do!" bean pouted.

I shook my head as I picked him up and placed him on my shoulders "no pouting mister. We're here to have fun remember"

"hehe right" he giggled.

I smiled at him. This kids exhausting but I still love him!

you're not so bad kid! (father jet Au) Where stories live. Discover now