Excitable Bean

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Jets pov

"that was soooo cool!" bean cheered as he ran inside. I smiled at him. Going out there might have been scary but it's all worth it to see him make friends.

"Well I'm glad you made friends bud" sonic ruffled his feathers.

"can we go again tomorrow Mr needlemouse" bean begged.

"sorry bud but the single parents night is once a week" sonic said gently "your going to have to wait bud"

"oh boo!" bean pouted.

"it's ok bean. We can play together" tails said kindly.

"ok" bean brightened up "let's play right now!"

"o-ok" tails mumbled nervously as he followed the excited boy.

I chuckled at the sight "your kids pretty good with mine"

"that's my tails for you" sonic chuckled "he's shy but he always tries his best to help others"

"he's kinda like you in that way. Minus the shy part" I smiled at him.

"haha I guess you're right" he laughed before looking at me with sincerity "I'm proud of you though. You really came out of your shell today"

"Well I just did it for beans sake" I muttered as my cheeks turned red.

"Well either way you were amazing out there" he gave me a thumbs up "so what do you say we share a beer to celebrate!"

"are you sure that's a good idea?" I raised an eyebrow "we have kids you know"

"so?" sonic shrugged "even adults with kids and responsibilities have to have fun sometimes"

"Well I suppose it couldn't hurt" I rolled my eyes "screw it! Let's have a drink!"

you're not so bad kid! (father jet Au) Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя