Playing In the Park

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Jets pov

"Park Park!" bean jumped around excitedly in my arms as I kept a tight grip on him. I mean who can blame me? The kid has a habit of running off on me!

"uhh jet we're at the park. You can let go of bean now" sonic pointed out.

"oh I don't know about this" I muttered nervously "I mean this park is huge! He could easily get lost"

"it will be fine jet" Amy said gently.

While we were talking however bean managed to wiggle out of my grasp and run off to the other kids. I watched in horror but it was too late as the others were already dragging me to the park bench.

"man you sure do worry don't ya kid?" rouge teased me.

"hey you haven't seen my kid" I shot back "you take your eyes off him for one second and he's gone!"

"I feel ya" blaze sighed "marines just the same. Dosen't help that I live in a huge palace"

"try living in a space ark" shadow muttered.

"oh yeah? Try living on a floating island" knuckles muttered.

"see this is why you all should have had robot children" rouge grinned "their too big and noisy to ever get lost!"

We stared at her for a moment before bursting out laughing. It's kinda nice hanging out with these guys-

"uhh jet is your kid hugging a metal pole?" knuckles asked. I looked up and so he was.

"he likes shiny things" I explained.

"your kids weird" knuckles muttered.

"so are you but you don't see me saying anything" I glared at him.

"what did you say!?"

"ok let's not fight" Amy stepped in "it's time to go home anyway. I'll see you all next week"

"see you!"

And so we picked up our kids and headed home. I guess that wasn't so bad..

you're not so bad kid! (father jet Au) Where stories live. Discover now