Chapter 1

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I do not own Attack on Titan or any of the characters mentioned.

(212 P.O.V.)
It was dead silent. In the cold midnight all was calm. A slight rustle of the trees was really the only thing to behold. Wind did not blow on this night; Why were all of the trees is such a bustle? I will tell you why. It's because of me.

I jumped down from my place in one of the trees. I had to get out of here. They were after me. I landed swiftly on my feet and bolted down the stony path of the alley way. I had to jump and dodge knives and arrows that were being aimed my way.

"Agent 212, come in 212?" I pressed the button on my earpiece and jumped over another arrow that was shot at me.

"You got me, what's happening out there 607?" I said and managed to maneuver my way into an alley so no one could hear me.

"You need to get out of there, I'm sending others to lead the Corps away from you."

"And the mission?" I asked.

"Completed, be careful."

I stayed in the alley for a little while waiting for some sort of signal that I was safe. My earpiece buzzed in my ear and I pressed the button.

"Oi, 212, you are clear. Go back." Came a muffled voice.

"Thanks, 496." I said. I took out my earpiece and stowed it away into my gadget belt.

I sighed and jumped onto the roof of a building. I began to sprint roof to roof then disappeared into the shadows. This was always my way of escaping when I had no way out but I just wanted to take it for a short cut. Headquarters weren't very far from where I was so I slowed down my speed.

My mind was elsewhere. The Corps were starting to get persistent and I did not like it one bit. The Corps were the leading spy agency in the world. They kill just for the hell of it which is why the Phoenix Agency was formed. Almost everyone of the Phoenix Agency had lost someone dear to them. I lost my mom and dad. I watched as they were murdered right in front of me and I'll never forget the look on Erwin Smith's face, he was the leader of the Corps, his code name was 489. I remember that he smiled down at my parents bodies with such menace and I promised that I would get my revenge. My sister, Mikasa, was almost killed. Mikasa was a former agent. Her code name was 211. She went on a mission one night and blew up the Corps's old headquarters but she got caught in the crossfire. She's still alive but she has been in a coma for eight months. I took her place seven months ago when I was finally old enough to join.

I'm eighteen years old. To some, I would be too young to accomplish what I want to accomplish, but to me, age was just a number. I attended highschool here. A bunch of my friends were spies, which to me which was very convenient. They all lost someone close to them, which was how we found each other. Everyone finding comfort in the fact that we weren't alone, that there were others who had experienced the same as us. The Corps, they were cold-blooded. They didn't have feelings...

I hated the Corps with a burning passion. Especially their second in command spy, Agent 008, or Levi Rivaille. He was fast. I could barely manage to escape when I first encountered him. Agent 008 was a heartless bastard, he didn't care what happened to anyone around him. All he cared about was himself, which was something that I did not tolerate in a person at all.

Amazingly, no one of the Corps actually knew who I was. I was very good at hiding my identity. They have almost found out who I am on a number of occasions but have not yet succeeded. If they did, they'd be surprised to find out that it's a normal kid that goes to high school... the same one that they go to. Yeah, we all go to school together. All of my friends that are agents have to act like they do not know who the Corps agents are when we are on school grounds in fear of bringing about trouble. I'm the only one who can be himself because they have yet to find out who I am. And I wanted to make sure that they never found out.

I finally managed to make my way to headquarters. I maneuvered my way to the entrance and typed in my code then scanned my finger. I was granted access a jumped into the trap door that opened up. I let myself somersault down the wire rope and landed on my feet with a soft thump.

The room I was in was the Case Room, where we received and returned with our mission status. It was covered wall to wall with file drawers.

"You're always right on time, Eren." A blonde male my age said from behind a huge oak desk.

"How did everything look from where you were, 607?"

"How many times do I have to tell you, call me by my name when we are alone." He said with a pout an begun to type furiously on his computer.

"Sorry, Armin."

Armin was a friend that went to school with me. He was super smart. Book, street, technology, you name it. The kid was a genius.

He turned on the projector. The projector allowed us spy's to view what happened during a mission. It was invented my Armin himself. On the wall appeared a bunch of statistics and a small video from some of our hidden cameras.

"Okay so, Erwin Smith had yet to notice your presence at the meeting until Petra Ral pointed you out in the ducts. You got a little off timing but still made it out of there with great precision, and with ten kills no less."

"And the information?" I asked.

Armin smiled as a file popped up. "Enough to help out with the next mission."

"Good, do I have another mission tonight?"

Armin looked over the files and heaved a sigh of relief. "No, you can go home."

"Alright, I'll see you at school tomorrow." I said and walked to the door that lead out into the quarters hallway.

"Get some rest!" I heard him call right before I closed the door behind me. I sighed in exhaustion. Tonight's mission was tough but I managed to do it.

I walked out if the building unconsciously rubbing my side where A knife had cut me. When I got home I planned to bandage it up.

I trekked silently down the side walk that lead to the Maria Square. The square shone brightly in the night but people do not come outside when it's dark. The killings caused by the Corps has really stirred up some unwanted suspicion and uneasiness. The people of Maria were beginning to suspect that something big is about to go down. I looked up to the stars with an exasperated look. I couldn't wait to get home and sleep. Just thinking about home made me excited so I pulled up my hood and began to run.

My house wasn't that far from here, a short cut through the alley up ahead and boom, I'd be home free. Literally. I ran into the alley right when a gust of wind blew. My hood came off but I quickly pulled it back on out of habit. I checked my surroundings and sighed in relief. All was clear. I turned around and continued my run to my house.

Tonight was the first night in awhile that I could relax, and that was exactly what I was going to do.

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