Chapter 6

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I do not own Attack on Titan or any of the characters mentioned.

(Levi P.O.V.)
"I'll get you, you fucking brat!" I yelled up at him. Petra was dead. She's dead. I couldn't wrap my mind around the fact that this was actually happening. I didn't want to accept that fact that she was dead. I glared as 212 jumped onto the helicopters skid and turned his hooded head towards me. I couldn't see his face but I did see something. Two green eyes peered down at me. Why did they look so familiar?

As the chopper flew off I made my way over to Petra who had a bullet wound to the head. I was so fucking pissed and the next time I see that fucking brat I would rip his throat out. I took Petra's jacket off and covered her up with it. I then proceeded to find a good hiding spot to hide her. The only place that came to mind was the ocean.

I showed up to said place and tied a heavy rock around her body to make sure she stayed under water instead of floating back up. I stared with a sad expression as I let go of her body and let it fall off the cliff and into the salty sea below. Petra was a good friend of mine and she knew a lot about me. If it weren't for the fact that she had a girlfriend I probably would have dated her. But fate chose her hand and now my best friend was gone. All because of that damned brat.

The moon shone in the sky as I left to the Corps headquarters. I hurried through the front doors and sped walked down the hall to Erwin's office. I was beyond pissed. I was seeing red. My heart was beating loudly in my chest and I knew that I was going to go into a frenzy of I didn't release this anger.

I slammed open the door. "Lev-"

"GOD FUCKING DAMMIT!" I punched the wall beside me and made everyone in the room jump to their feet. By everyone, I meant only Erwin himself and Hanji.

Hanji walked over to me. "Levi, what happened? Where's Petra?"

I said nothing back. I was too far gone right now. That god damned runt would pay dearly.

"We have to find him, that brat 212, we need to find him now!" I said.

I have never let my emotions show like this to anyone except Erwin and Hanji. They knew when something dreadful has happened and they knew when things had to be done. They were my only friends.

"Levi, why, what's going on?" Erwin demanded.

I fell to my knees. "Petra, she's dead, 212 killed her."

His eyes widened. Petra was his younger sister. He cared for her deeply. And now she's gone. She's gone and it's all my fault. I couldn't save her.

Hanji was crying. She was Petra's girlfriend of five years. They met in middle school and hit it off. Hanji had lost her best friend and lover.

I knelt down on my knees and stared at the wall. "Erwin, we need to catch him."

"I know, we will call a meeting tomorrow night to gather as many agents as we can. 212 needs to be caught and soon, he is becoming a threat."

"How are we going to do that? Even with all of our remaining agents we still won't have enough to fight the Phoenix Agency." Hanji said as she wiped away her remaining tears.

Erwin smirked. "This is where Petra's mission a few nights ago came in handy," he propped his head on one of his hands, "The Phoenix Agency currently holds 510 agents, we on the other hand have 600. We can beat them, I know we can."

"What about others who need to be brought in for questioning?" I asked and got to my feet.

"We certainly want 212 for questioning, as for the others I think we should get 607, 496, and 149, they seem to be the most common agents we have to deal with."

"Out of 510? Erwin that's like walking into suicide." I argued.

He held up his hand in dismissal. "Don't worry, besides I think they will be the only ones willing to talk if they don't want to die, the rest of the Phoenix agents will just be a waste of our time."

I nodded. This could work and I hoped that it would. I was still stressed because of what happened to Petra and I needed to get out of here for some time alone.

"Can I go home now, Erwin?"

He smiled and patted my shoulder. "Get some rest, Levi."

I nodded and left the building. I walked with my head down. I tended to do that when I was in deep thought. I walked into the Maria square and sat on a bench. I would go home when I cleared my head a little.

The square lights normally would have blinded me had I paid any attention on this night. I felt completely numb and inexpressive. I knew it would take a while for me to get over but I knew I would.

Something caught the corner of my eye. I looked over to the entrance of the Square to see a familiar face.

Eren Jaeger.

I got off the bench I was on and hid behind a near tree. I peeked out of the corner to get a view on him. His head was down and he was walking silently over to the fountain. He stopped and sat on the rim of it with his head in his hands. In all the kid looked stressed.

I was about to get out of there when. Something caught my attention. A sob. a loud sob rang out through the Square. I stared wide-eyed as the boy sobbed violently whispering something along the lines of 'I'm sorry.'

Why was he crying? What was wrong? Why does he keep whispering apologies? There were so many questions that rang through my head. Those questions caused me to grow a headache. I really wanted to get out of here. And get out of there I did. I couldn't take anymore stress so I left.

If the world wasn't so piled on my shoulders at the moment then I would have gone over and talked to him. But right now just wasn't the time, so I left and made my way to my house so I could try to sleep. But I knew sleep would not come easy to me tonight and from the looks of it, it wouldn't come to Eren either.

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