Chapter 14

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I do not own Attack on Titan or any of the characters mentioned.

(Levi P.O.V.)
After Hanji had come and go to patch Eren up It was my job to watch over the brats. Eren never went to sleep, he just sat against the wall with one knee propping up his arm. He stared vacantly at the wall. It was kinda creepy considering he barely blinked.

As for the others they were so drained that, when their heads hit the pillow, they were out. It's a wonder they didn't fall asleep the chance they got.

"Ya know kid, you are going to be busy tomorrow. You might wanna get to sleep."

He spared me a glance then turned his attention back to the wall. "I can't sleep, I'm just... Overwhelmed, I guess?"

Ah, so that's why. I leaned forward in my seat and clasped my hands together. "Look kid, stop thinking about all of this right now. You can worry about it tomorrow. I know what you had to hear was a lot to take in but life is really out to fuck with people. You especially, it would appear."

He nodded. "I'll try but there is a chance that I won't be able to."

"Why is that?"

He looked at me with a small smile. "It's because I don't fully trust you yet, so I don't know what you will do to me if I do fall asleep."

"What kind of sicko do you think I am? It's not like I'm gonna come in there and butt fuck you in your sleep."

He let out a snort that turned into laughter. The corners of my lips tilted up a little. At least I got his mind off this whole ordeal.

He held his side and wiped away an imaginary tear. "You're so blunt."

"I'm a very honest person." I said.

"I can tell."

Eren stood up from his place on the ground and limped over to the bed. The painkillers Hanji gave him must have been wearing off because he was wincing every step he took. He laid on the bed with his knees curled up to his stomach. How was he able to move so easily in that leather get up? You would think it would make him walk like he had a stick up his ass but no, he moved swiftly with long strides. He was definitely the agent we have been after this past year and a half.

"Take a picture, it'll last longer." He said looking at me with half lidded eyes.

"Go to bed, brat."

I stayed in there until another agent came in and told me to get some rest. I wouldn't be able to go home so I would just go to Erwin's office and sleep on his sofa. He allowed me to on the nights I wasn't able to leave.

The fluorescent lighting was harsh against my eyes when I stepped out of the cells. I walked sluggishly to Erwin's office and went in. He looked up at me with tired eyes.

"Sleeping here?" He asked.

I didn't answer. I just walked over to the sofa and flopped on my back. I sunk down a little on it but it was nice to rest.

"In the morning, we will be going on a mission to get the Agents 170: Connie Springer and 294: Sasha Braus but with the Phoenix being in the shape that they are they will not be able to join us so we will have to take them by force."

I rolled over to face him. "What are those agents specialties?"

"Let me just read off their info. Connie Springer, eighteen years old. Specializes in flexibility and climbing. Sasha Braus, seventeen years old. Specializes in archery and thievery." Erwin said reading their files.

I nodded. "They seem like they will be tricky, we will need Aruro and Mike for this one."

"I was thinking the same thing, they shouldn't be too hard. Remember, Eren said that they were new to the agency. So it shouldn't be that hard of a mission."

I rolled back over and stared at the ceiling. With all of these agents we might actually kill Ymir. I didn't plan on only killing her but also that Reiss girl. Something didn't seem right about her. It's like she was too innocent.

Thinking about all of this was really starting to make my head hurt. I shut my eyes and slowly fell asleep.

I was under water? How did I get here? I looked around and just started to swim in a random direction. I felt numb, like all feeling I had once had was gone.

I squinted as I saw something in the distance. It was too far away to make out so I went closer. The shape of a body became clear in my line of view.

"Petra?" I asked.

She was wearing her uniform and there was red liquid seeping from her head into the water. I realized that we were in the ocean I threw her in.

I knew burying her would be the ideal way to rest her memory but she said she wanted an ocean burial if she ever died. The reason was that she always wanted to travel abroad and she was fascinated with sea life. So, I guess it would be a thing that she would ask for.

Her eyes, that were closed, cracked open and her attention turned towards me. She smiled and came over to me even though she was hurt.

"Levi." She said and took my hands into hers.

"Eren is a bad person."


"He's killed many of our agents."

"But he is on our side now." I said to her.

"How do you know?"

I stared at her then realized I wasn't looking into the face of my friend but the face of Eren. He looked scared.

"Why am I here?" He asked.

My hands were linked with his. I wanted to remove them but I just couldn't. He was scared and I couldn't figure out why.

"Eren, listen to me." I demanded.

He looked up at me with a confused expression.

"Let go of your fears."

"But I-"

"Fear is going to get in your way, let go of all your fears and find something worth fighting for, I know you act tough but you are actually terrified of what you will have to face in the future. Let go."

He stood there for a minute then nodded. He smiled a little. "I will."
*dream end*

I sat up from my place on the sofa and rubbed my eyes. Erwin was no longer in the room, he probably went to get Aruro and Mike. I stood up and made my way out of the room. The mission was today, let's hope we can get those two.

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