Chapter 13

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I do not own Attack on Titan or any of the characters mentioned.

(Eren P.O.V.)
"I-I want to join the Corps." I knew it was a stupid thing to say but what other choice did I have? All of this time I had been working under a person who I thought was going to turn this city into a wonderful place. Turn this city into a safe place for everyone living in it but in the end I, no the entire Phoenix Agency, were nothing more than a tool in Ymir's eyes.

"What?" Erwin asked in disbelief. I could have understood why he was asking that. I hated him and would never forgive him for killing my parents but I needed to do this.

"You heard me, I want to join the Corps."

I felt... betrayed. I looked up to Ymir. I considered her a good friend. But, I just felt... cold all of a sudden.

"Eren, you would be betraying the Phoenix Agency. Do you realize how many agents are going to be after us?" Armin asked.

"Us?" I glanced over my shoulder.

He smiled. "You think we are going to let you do this alone? Eren, have faith in us."

I wiped away me tears and nodded. "Yeah."

Erwin cleared his throat. "So, if I let you join the Corps, you'll have to vow that you won't betray us because to be perfectly honest I do not trust any of you. You could be using us."

Levi nodded in agreement with him. "I'd say we put them in the cells for tonight and have Hanji question them while they get fitted for their gear tomorrow."

"What do you think Phoenix?" Erwin asked.

I looked up with determination. "We will do it."

"Good." Erwin stood up and went to my side at the door. "I'm having some of our troops escort you to the cells," He looked at Levi, "Keep watch over them until I come back." With that said he left the room.

I walked back over to my seat and sat down. I felt a little dizzy.

"Eren you are stupid." Levi said from across the table, he was eyeing the trail of blood I left from my knee wound.

"Anyways," I said ignoring his comment, "What did Erwin mean by fitting?"

He smirked. "The Corps uniform of course and in a few days you guys will be training and learning how to use maneuver gear."

I shivered. I really do hate those things. I have only been on one once and I was still feeling the effects of nausea.

Armin gave a reassuring smile. "Don't worry Eren, you will learn soon enough."

"It's not learning that I'm worried about, I am worried about throwing up on someone."

Levi scrunched his nose up in disgust. "If you do throw up you are going to be the one to clean it up, got it?"

I sighed. "Yeah." This guy was annoying. I didn't like him at all. But my hate for Erwin was way stronger than my hate for Levi. I didn't like Levi because he was a lot stronger than me. How did he get so strong? I have asked that on many occasions but I still didn't know the answer.

We didn't wait long for Erwin to come in with Aruro and Hanji. The beckoned for us to stand and follow them to the cells where we were separated and locked up.

I sat against the wall in thought. I couldn't believe Ymir only thought of us as her toys. Thought of us as something she could use to save her ass. It wasn't going to happen though, not if I had to die trying. I would make sure she wouldn't succeed. But right now I needed to think about the Phoenix Agency. All of the agents worked for Ymir and trusted her so I bet most would continue to follow her. No one would believe us if we were to tell them what was actually going on. on second thought, Connie and Sasha were our closest friends so I guess they might believe us.

"Hey Armin, Jean?"

"What is it, Eren?" Jean asked.

"If we asked the Corps to bring in Connie and Sasha, do you think they'd do it?"

"They might, that is what I was thinking. Those two would be the only ones of Phoenix that would believe us." Armin said from his cell on the other side of mine. I couldn't see him but I knew that he had, what I like to call his, 'thinking face.'

"I agree with you, yeah, let's ask them when they send people to watch us." Jean said.

Just as he said that Erwin and Levi walked in. "How are you liking it in there?" The blonde asked with a smirk. God, I hated him so much.

"Well, it was fine but then you showed up." I said with malice.

His caterpillar eyebrows shot up. "I am glad that you are able to speak your mind, kid."He sat down and leaned forward in his seat, "But that mouth of yours is going to get you into a lot of trouble so I suggest you keep it shut."

The corner of my mouth twitched upward in amusement. "No I think I'll keep my mouth the way it is, just like you keeping those caterpillars on your face the way they are. Seriously dude, have you ever heard of tweezers?"

I heard Jean let out a hardy laugh from his cell. "Nice one, Eren."

"I aim to please." I joked.

"Eren stop it and ask him the question." Armin said in annoyance.

"Question?" Erwin echoed.

"We want our two agents, Connie Springer and Sasha Braus, to be brought here. They are the only ones we can trust in our fight against Ymir."

"Why is that?" Levi asked.

"Connie and Sasha have been our friends since elementary school and they just started working for the Phoenix Agency. They will probably be the only ones from Phoenix that will believe us when we say Ymir is no good."

Erwin nodded. "We will see what we can do but Eren," He said looking me in the eyes, "If we are going to work together then you need to learn to trust me like I am to you."

The thought of trusting Erwin didn't seem very pleasing. I mean, he did kill my parents. But it appears I don't really have a choice in the matter.

"I won't forgive you for killing my parents but I will try to trust you. But just so you know, trust doesn't come easy with me."

"I know." He said with a small smile.

He held his hand through the bars. "I look forward to working with you, Eren."

"Eh, same." I said slapping his hand instead of shaking it.

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