Chapter 10

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I do not own Attack on Titan or any of the characters mentioned.

(Levi P.O.V.)
Eren hadn't come to school for four days. It was Tuesday and I was starting to get agitated. There was no way the brat was missing this much school because he was sick. My guess was he was just skipping. But, wouldn't he still come to the missions if he was skipping? Knowing him, probably. But if that was the case why hadn't he showed up at the missions? Oh god, I have a migraine. All of this thinking has made my brain hurt.

It was the middle of last period and I was glaring daggers at the clock. I wanted this day to end so bad. I had the night off from missions and wanted to get some rest. Well, not all day, I had a few errands to run before I even thought about sleeping. And by errands I mean going to buy some new pistols. I needed three and a bunch of bullets to go with them.

I was skilled in weaponry and agility. My small stature made it easy for me to fit through small spaces, so I was good at breaking and entering as well. People fear me, not only for my skills but for my apparently 'intimidating' appeal. I'm always in a bad mood, big whoop.

After another agonizing thirty minutes I groaned as my phone went off. It was a silent vibrate which Kent I actually did have to go on a mission. Damn Erwin. I hate him so much. I sighed, I guess it couldn't be helped. I got up from my seat and headed to the door.

"Mr. Rivaille? Where are you going?"

I didn't answer. I left the class without a word a trudged down the hall and out of the school. It was windy outside and as soon as I was out the doors my raven strands blew out of my face.

I like the wind. Only because there is so many things that one can only dream about that float in it. The wind can carry tension, romance, sadness. It can do anything. The wind also carries with it many mysteries. Mysteries that cannot be discovered. I relate to the wind in a way. Sometimes I can be calm and normal paced. Other times I can be furious and roar loudly and rush through the sky. It's just a part of my personality, I am a calm and collected person but when you piss me off, I can become your worst nightmare.

Anyways I made my way to the warehouse where I bought my weapons. The man that sold me them was a good friend.

"Nice to see you again, Erd."

"You too Levi, what can I get you?" Erd asked opening a crate that held a bunch of stolen military weapons.

"I need three pistols and twelve boxes of bullets." I answered simply and took out my wallet.

"That will be $265, but there's also something I found that I thought you might want to see." Erd went to the back room of the warehouse and brought out a small black velvet box.

"This was one of the most rarest daggers I could have ever come across, it's very precious indeed." he said then opened the box. Inside was a dagger that couldn't have been more than ten inches but it was appealing to look at. It's silver serrated blade was the most eye catching part of the weapon besides its jewel incrusted handle.

"What do you think?"

"I think it's a beauty but can it physically slice rather than slice through a selective admiration?"

Erd smirked and handed the dagger to me. "Try it out."

I held the dagger in my hand and rolled up my sleeve. I placed the cold metal to my skin and ripped it through. It sliced like it was cutting through air.
(Trigger end)

"It's perfect." I said watching the blood flow from my wrist. I did this every time I tested a blade. It doesn't hurt as much as it used to. Of course a cut always leads to a scar so I'd always have a reminder about just how fucked up I am.

"Then take it, it's free of charge."

"Thank you, Erd, I'll come and visit you soon, put some flowers on Isabel and Farlan's grave would you?"

"Anytime." He said then waved me off.

When I left the warehouse the sun was setting over the horizon. I had to get home and get ready for my mission. It was going to be a long night ahead. The Phoenix Agency were going out tonight supposedly from our latest reports so some members of the Corps thought we would give them a visit.

I entered my house and went upstairs to my bedroom where I started getting into my spy gear. My gear consisted of white pants and a matching button down shirt I also had this cool thing called 3D maneuver gear which allowed us members of the Corps to fly through the air. This was why we had an advantage against the Phoenix agents. They weren't as advanced as we were. After I buckled all of the belts, annoying let me tell you, I threw on my dark green cape with the Wings of Freedom symbol on the back. This symbol holds a very special place in my heart. To be free from all of the obstacles that slow you down, to be free from the people that hold you back, to be free. That's what it means, be free.

The night air was crisp cold when I finally left my house. I hurried to our meeting location that was assigned when Erwin texted me. I put in my ear piece and turned it on.

"Erwin, this mission had better be important or I'm going to kill you for ruining my night."

Through the static of the device came a muffled voice. "It is important, Eren is with them tonight."

"How do you know?" I asked.

"I might have had a little bird eaves drop on the Phoenix agents during lunch."

"Hanji, you sly bastard." I whispered.

I was thankful for this information. I'd get to pay Agent 212 a little visit. And maybe we could pick up where we left off. This mission was going to be ugly.

Oh my god guys I am so sorry for this being so late. I know I don't talk at the end of chapters often but I just want to apologize for this being so late! I've said before that my mind was in a dark place and I think a little of that came out in this chapter. Again I am very sorry but I will continue to update, I will try my best.

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