Chapter 2

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I do not own Attack on Titan or any of the characters mentioned.

(Levi P.O.V.)
"I can't believe that damned brat got away again!" Aruro yelled and slammed his hands on the desk. He was livid and he didn't even try to hide it. I, myself, was actually pretty pissed off but I knew better than to let my anger get the best of me.

That brat, or agent 212, was a crafty little fucker. He slipped right out of our fingers. We were so close at actually catching him this time too. Agent 212 was a male that was five foot seven inches and that was all we knew about him. We didn't know his name, we didn't know his age, and we certainly didn't know he learned the moves he did.

"I swear the next time I see him I'm going to ring his fucking neck!"

"Aruro, calm down." Petra said trying to make sure he didn't throw anything.

"Do not tell me to calm down, we've been chasing this runt for a year and a half and we still have little to no information on him, other than the fact that he's a sly little motherfucker, not to mention the fact that Erwin is going to be on my case for this one!"

"Aruro, if you're going to whine, go whine to someone who has nothing to do."

He shut his mouth after I said that.

"Look, we are not going to get anywhere like this, remember to keep your cool." Petra added.

I sighed and stood up from the couch. this was really starting to be a pain in the ass. "I'm going home, I'll see you guys at school tomorrow."

I left the room and went outside not caring if the two were yelling at me to come back. I walked down the sidewalk lost in my thoughts.

That agent, 212, was a mysterious figure. He always cloaked himself in dark clothing, almost like a shadow. Which he used to his advantage considering that was usually his escape route. 212 was a very skilled fighter and that had caught the attention of the entire Corps agency the first time we saw him. He even managed to get into the facility unnoticed which had some of our agents on edge. There was only one other time an agent from The Phoenix agency had gotten in. Her code name was agent 211 but her real name was Mikasa Ackerman. She demolished our main headquarters that was in the next town over. The worst thing was that she did it by herself. She didn't get out in time, the entire Corps agency believed she had died, not that it mattered.

I walked into the Maria Square. It was bright which made me squint my eyes. I hate bright objects, they do not mix well with my personality. I preferred darkness more than light.

My house wasn't too far from here but I took a shortcut through an alley anyways. I wanted to get home as soon as possible. Tonight was the only night I had off. Tomorrow I had to go to school. Hey, I'm only eighteen, I still need an education.

I was half way through the alley when I stopped in my tracks. Footsteps, shit! I hid in the shaded part of the alley as I watched as someone ran into the alley. A teen? Out this late at night? The teen was a little I front of me when his hood fell off. He had brown hair and green eyes. He looked familiar but I couldn't place my finger on it.

The teen quickly pulled up his hood and looked around as if someone might see him. He sighed in relief and ran off. What was he so scared for? Was someone after him?

I came out of my hiding place looking around to see if anyone else was coming this way. After finding out that, no, I was alone, I turned to continue my trek home. My foot stepped on something and it snapped. I lifted my foot to see an ID. I picked it up and looked at the name.

Name: Eren Shigashina Jaeger

Age: 18

DOB: March 30, 1998

Contact info: •••-•••-••••

Current Occupation/School: Maria Highschool

I stared at the card a minute. This kid went to my school and he was in my grade? I knew he looked familiar. I stowed the ID in my pocket. I guess I'll find him tomorrow and give it to him. If I can't? Oh well then, the kid just let out some important information.

I walked out of the alley and continued my trek to my house.

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