Chapter 15

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I do not own Attack on Titan or any of the characters mentioned.

(Eren P.O.V.)
My back and leg hurt when I woke up the next day. I rubbed my eyes and sat up from my place on the rock hard bed. From the cell across from me I could hear shuffling.

"Let us go you bastards!" Yelled a very familiar voice. I got up and limped over to the bars.


He looked grateful. "Oh my god Eren, we were so worried about you and the others. This morning, the Corps kidnapped us!" He said gesturing to the cell beside him where Sasha was. It appeared that she was talking to Armin and Jean.

"We need to escape!" Connie told me.

"Wait, listen to me. We had them bring you here."

He looked at me in disbelief. "Why? I don't understand."

I sighed. "Look, it's a really long story but I'll give it to you short. Sasha, you listen as well."

They both gave me their attention to let me know they were listening. "Alright. So, you guys know Mayor Ymir, correct?"

"We work for her, duh."

I cringed. "I know, but listen. Last night we figured out that she isn't who she appears to be."

"Eren, get to the point." Sasha said in all seriousness.

"Ymir plans to turn this city into a waste and we have to stop her."

They both gasped in disbelief. "But, she said that she was going to make this a place of safety and peace." Said Sasha as she looked at the ground.

"Yeah well, she lied to us," I spared a glance towards Armin and Jean, "All of us."

Connie and Sasha sat down against their cell walls as the took in the information. We all sat in silence until Erwin, Levi, and Hanji walked in.

"Did you convince them yet?" Erwin asked me.

"Convince us what?"

"Connie, Sasha, we have to join the Corps."


"No," I shouted, "We have to get our revenge. She lied to us and she used us."

Connie looked like he was about to protest but Sasha interrupted him. "How do you know we can trust them?" She gestured to the Corps agents.

I sighed. "I don't know if we can but the same goes for them." I pointed, "They don't trust us but they are making a hell of an attempt to, so why can't we try?"

I looked at Connie wth pleading eyes. "Please?"

"Oh, alright but don't think I'm too happy about it." He said then rested his head on the cool bars of the cell.

"None of us are bud." Armin said.

Erwin decided it was his time to speak. "Alright, now that that is out of the way, we need to get you all fitted for the Corps uniform."

He unlocked the cells and had us escorted out by other members. We were lead to a room where Hanji stood with a bunch of different sized uniforms.

"Who's first?"

The others were reluctant so I went first. "I'll need you to take off your clothes."

"Excuse me?" I asked in disbelief.

"To measure you silly." She said holding up a measuring tape.

"U-Uhm alright."

I began removing all of my clothes except boxers. My leg screamed at me when I kicked the leather suit off of my feet.

Hanji measured my front and then had me turn around to measure my back. "Woah, that's a big scar." She said running her fingers from the top of my right shoulder to the top of my left hip.

"How did you get it?" She asked.

"Go ask Levi over there." I said gesturing to said man who was leaning against the wall in an uninterested stance.

He looked up. "Oh yeah, that was from... Six months ago, I believe."

I frowned. "Yeah, I almost died from that one thanks."


"Alright," Hanji pulled away from me and walked over to the rack, "You've got a pretty small waist and are very skinny but quite tall." At that point she was mumbling to herself before she picked up a uniform and handed it to me.

"Put it on."

I did so and looked at my self in the mirror. The green cape fell to the middle of my thighs and the straps felt like a prison on my body.

"How in the hell do you people move in these fuckin' things?" I complained and rolled my shoulders.

"How the hell did you move in that leather get up?" Levi threw back.

"It was elastic."

"That's stupid."

"Alright, everyone's finished."

My team and I were officially a part of the Corps now. It was a hard thing to accept but I knew it had to be done. I wonder what other things await us on this day?
Alright guys, I know it's been a while since I've updated. Things have gotten pretty busy in my neck of the woods. Anyways, I hope you enjoyed this chapter, even though it was kinda boring. Stay tuned!

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