Chapter 4

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I do not own Attack on Titan or any of the characters mentioned.

(Levi P.O.V.)
I was early to school as I usually was. I met up with Erwin, Hanji, Aruro, and Petra at the back of the school. They all seemed to be in a good mood but I sure as hell wasn't.

"Morning, Levi!" Hanji yelled and waved me over.

"Fuck you, Shitty-Four Eyes."

She grinned and pulled me to her chest in a tight hug. Damn, she was fucking annoying. "Someone is in a bad mood."

"Because I didn't sleep."

She let go of me and I turned my attention to Erwin who was looking at me with a sorrowful gaze. "Sorry for making you do a late mission, we fell short on agents last night and you, along with these two, were the only ones available." He said making a gesture to Aruro and Petra.

I shook my head. My raven locks moved on my forehead and into my eyes. "Not a problem, look I gotta go find some kid."

"Why?" He asked confusion written on his face.

"He dropped his ID and I just so happened upon it last night."

"Oh~ who is it!" Hanji squealed in excitement.

I pulled the ID from my pocket and held it out for them to see. An expression of realization spread across Erwin's face.

"That kid hangs around agents 607 and 496 from Phoenix, I see them together in second period."

"He probably doesn't even know those two are spy's." Aruro said.

"Yeah." Petra agreed.

I put the ID back in my pocket and walked away without a word. I had to be careful and hope that the kid was by himself. I sure as hell didn't want to run into Armin, he would try to kill me on the spot. I found out his name when we uncovered some information on him. Armin was witty. The kid had a GPA of 4.5. It was almost scary how smart the kid was.

I made my way to my first class knowing I wasn't going to be able to find this Eren kid until later in the day. As per usual I paid careful attention to my Language Arts teacher. I was always keen on getting good grades, I didn't have a single grade under an 'A.' I was exceptionally smart but I lacked skill in good conversation. In fact, I guess you could call me socially awkward.

After my Language Arts lesson I made my way to my next class. I was walking down the hall and turned a corner when something bumped into me, or rather someone. The person fell to the ground and let out a yelp. Ouch, his head hit the floor pretty hard. My nose hurt because his shoulder got me.

"Oi, watch where you're going, brat." I said and glared down at him. It was then that I realized that the kid who bumped into me had brown hair and green eyes. This was Eren Jaeger?

He was looking up at me with an unreadable expression that kind of confused me but I let it go, none of that mattered right now.

"Are you Eren Jaeger by any chance?"

He got to his feet and crosses his arms over his chest as if he were on edge. I wasn't going to hurt him, why was he so tense?

"Why do you want to know?"

Rude. That word rang through my head as I dug through my pocket. I grabbed a hold of the ID and held it out to the kid, who I have come to the conclusion I do not like.

"I found this yesterday on the street and thought I'd give it back."

He gave a grateful smile and put the ID into his pocket. "Thank you...uhm?"

"Levi Rivaille."

"Cool name, dude."

"Don't call me dude." I said then walked away. I wanted to get to my next class without being late. I didn't have time to deal with the kid. We would never have any sort of contact again anyways.

My lectures were exhausting today so I was grateful when lunch rolled around. I met everyone at our usual table in the corner. They were making small talk while they ate.

"Hey, Levi." Erwin greeted as I sat my tray next to his.

"Hi." I muttered as I plopped into my seat. My classes really took a toll on my mood and I was not happy at all. On the other hand, when was I ever?

"How did the meet up with the kid go?" Aruro asked.

"He's a little brat is what he is, I just had a small conversation with him and that enough was enough to know he hates me."


"The hell if I know, I'm just glad it's over with." I said and took a bite of my apple. The kid was a damned brat and I didn't like him either.

"Speaking of that kid, there he is." Petra said and pointed to the entrance where, sure as hell there Eren was, walking in and over to the table that had some members of the Phoenix Agency.

I could tell just by looking at them all that they were really close.

"It's too bad those three don't know what Armin and Jean are." Erwin commented but I could tell his gaze was on Eren.

"What's up, Erwin?" Aruro asked.

"That kid, Eren, is surrounded by a bunch of lies. Wait until he finds out, he will probably break."

"Why would he do that?" I asked. Damn I hated that kid for making me so curious.

"I gathered some information on him during my free period, apparently his parents were murdered and his sister is in a coma of eight months."

I sat with my mouth agape as I stared at Eren. The kid had been through so much and yet he is still able to laugh and smile? I had to give the kid credit, he was stronger than he looked.

Something about him was off though. The way he acted around me earlier made it seem like he hated me or he was scared. That was normal for people in the school and I didn't really care but him, Eren, it seems like he hates me for some unknown reason and I just met the kid this morning.

He's just a damned brat and I won't let him get to me at all. With that final decision, I turned back in my seat and ate the shit they called food.

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