Chapter 5

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I do not own Attack on Titan or any of the characters mentioned.

(Eren P.O.V.)
I ran out of the school. Another mission was assigned to me during last period and I had to hurry to my house and get ready. I had so much homework tonight and a detention tomorrow for my phone going off in class. Damn Armin and his fucking assignments. Though, I can't really blame him. We have become short on agents and we were looking to bring in some new recruits. I suggested we let Connie and Sasha join, Armin said that he would think about it. Connie and Sasha would be good spy's. Connie was very flexible and Sasha was good at picking locks, not to mention she was quick on her feet. Just some basic training and the two would be naturals.

I busted into my house and ran up to my room. My house was small considering I was the only one who lived there. It has basic white furniture and a cream carpet. There were a few photos and art here and there. I managed to keep the place clean which was a surprise to all of my friends.

My spy gear was hanging up in the back of my closet. I hurriedly pulled off my flannel shirt and jeans before kicking off my converse. My beanie had long ago been stashed into my backpack. I reached into the closet and pulled out my black leather one piece gear. It shined like onyx.

Like I said before the outfit was not uncomfortable. it actually felt right on me. After zipping it up I clicked on my belt that had all of my equipment and put on my knee high boots, or as Jean likes to call them, my hooker boots. They weren't even trashy! I didn't think so at least.

It took me a while to get into the gear but I finally did it. I ran out my door barely noticing that it was now dark. Tonight my mission was to track down agent 777 who I was supposed to kill. Apparently, she hacked into our network a few nights ago and now we have finally tracked her down. I jumped onto the roof of a building and began to follow said person as they walked below.

I pushed the button in my ear piece.

"This is 212," I whispered, "Agent 777 is in sight, shall I get any closer?"

"This is 607, no do not get any closer, wait until you are in a secluded area then go for the hand-to-hand combat strategy, that is her weakness but be careful, there might be some other. Agents from the Corps near by; Don't worry though, Agents 496 and 149 have been sent out to assist if things get bad."

"Copy that." I said quietly then turned the speaker off. By now Agent 777, or Petra Ral, and I were at a secluded area of the town. I was about to jump down when she stopped walking. I stopped in my own movements and ducked down. Why did she stop all of a sudden? I pulled my hood up and over my eyes so she couldn't see. I peered over the edge of the building to see that she was gone. What the-

Fuck. I sprung to my feet and pulled out my revolver. Before I could even pull the trigger a knife was held against my throat. Levi Rivaille smirked at me with those cold grey eyes of his. My hood still covered my head so he couldn't see me.

"Well, well, well, If it isn't 212, damned brat," his glare intensified, "Your not going to complete you mission tonight so drop your weapon."

The revolver fell from my hand and onto the ground. I kicked it over to him. There was no point in fighting him. I knew the outcome of this night.

"Your giving up that easily, tch... I knew you were a fool but this is just golden."

He tried to peer under my hood and for a second I thought I was done for until my savior came.

"Levi! You've got him." Petra yelled as she came towards us. It was my turn to smirk. Levi must have noticed this too.

"Pet-" My hand came out from behind me and before he could react I slapped the knife out of his hand and a shot rang out into the night.

I jumped up onto a higher building and watched as Levi turned to Petra who was now lying dead on the ground. His expression was unreadable as usual before he looked up at me.

"You fucking asshole!" Oh look, I made the beast mad. He made to come get me but a loud sound came from the other side of the building. I smirked. Typical Armin, always on time. A helicopter appeared beside me. I grabbed my hood before it fell off. I saw Armin in the drivers side and Jean in the passenger seat. Armin motioned for me to jump on. I spared one last look at Levi who was trying to make his way to me but I jumped onto the helicopters skid before he could get me. Armin turned the chopper around and began our descend back to headquarters.

"I'll get you, you fucking brat!" I turned to Levi who knelt down beside Petra and covered her up with her cloak. I could tell he was pissed and the next time we met would be one of our ugliest meetings.

As we flew I maneuvered my way to the passenger door and climbed in.

"That was close, Eren."

I rubbed the bridge of my nose. "I know, can we just go to headquarters." I was fucking tired and I couldn't wait for this night to end.

"Eren, are you alright?" Admin asked.

"My head hurts, please, just fly the chopper."

He knew that I didn't want to talk so he fixed his gaze to the sky outside. The city lights were shining below and looking out at them made me relax a little. I leaned my head against the window and sighed. I would never get used to killing people. I hated doing it but it had to be done.

My eyes opened slightly as headquarters came into view. I'm a monster.

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