Chapter 3

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I do not own Attack on Titan or any of the characters mentioned.

(Eren P.O.V.)
The sun woke me up the day after I got home. I sat up in my bed and stretched. I haven't been sleeping well the last few nights but last night I just couldn't keep my eyes open. I woke up before my alarm so I hurriedly turned off the device before the annoying sound could blare through the room.

I got dressed in a red and black flannel shirt and some black skinny jeans. I grabbed my grey beanie and converse before I went down to the kitchen to eat. My school attire was way different than what I wore as an agent. My agent outfit was entirely black and leather. It was very tight on my body which to others would prohibit my movements. It did not, in fact, the outfit was very elastic.

I grabbed an apple before walking out of the house and down the sidewalk that lead to school. I was a good student. I got good grades but they could never match Armin's. Speak of the little devil, as the school came into view Armin was waiting at the gates like he always did. As soon as he spotted me he practically pranced over.

"Good night sleep?"


Armin patted my shoulder in comfort. "I'm sorry for making you stay up late, it really isn't fair to you."

"It's fine, you aren't at fault here, I just feel like something bad is coming up and I'm a little paranoid." I said and removed his hand from my shoulder. It wasn't out of annoyance or anything, I just don't find comfort in being touched. I never have.

We walked inside and was met with a slight chill due to the air conditioner. It was almost spring and the weather has already started to heat up, at a rate that most people were happy about. Armin and I talked about small things until we had to split up and go to our separate lockers.

My locker was close to my first class so I took my time putting my stuff away and grabbing my necessities. I walked into my class after almost everyone had entered. I wasn't overly fond of Social Studies but I still managed to keep my grade at average in this class.

As per usual, class droned on and on. I was still a little paranoid and I didn't even know why. Something was bound to happen today if I was feeling like this all of a sudden. When the bell rang I hurried to my next class that was across the building. I had turned a corner and wasn't really paying attention. I slammed into something and fell to the floor. My head made contact with the ground which made me let out a yelp.

"Oi, watch where your going, brat."

I sat up and looked up at the person that I bumped into. Dread overtook me as I realized I was staring into the eyes of non other than Levi Rivaille. A lot of thoughts ran through my head as he stared down at me with a sudden realization. Why was he looking at me like that? Did he know who I was?

"Are you Eren Jaeger by any chance?"

I nodded and got to my feet. "Why do you want to know?"

Levi moved his hand to his back pocket and for a moments I thought he was going to pull out one of his guns. Levi specialized in weaponry and speed. He was a pretty good aim too. After a moment of digging around Levi pulled out, much to my relief, a card.

"I found this yesterday on the street and thought I'd give it back." It took me a minute to realize that it was my ID. I took it out of his hand then placed it in my own pocket.

"Thank you... Uhm?" I acted as if I had no idea who he was in order to keep my charade up.

"Levi Rivaille."

"Cool name, dude."

"Don't call me dude."

I nodded then thanked him one last time. He walked away from me. As I watched him leave I let out a breath I did not know I was holding. I never thought I'd have a run in with the person I hate most.

The bell rang signaling I was late for class. I cursed under my breath as I ran down the hall. The teacher had just started the lesson when I busted into the room.

"Mr. Jaeger, glad you could join us." I felt my face heat up in embarrassment as I sat down next to Armin. He glanced at me then took out a piece of paper and began to scrawl in neat cursive.

"What took you so long?" I read as he gave me the paper.

"I ran into Levi Rivaille, he still doesn't know that I'm 212, he just returned my ID." I wrote in a less neat scrawl.

Armin held a surprised look on his face as he read. He didn't write back because the teacher was now facing the class but I knew he'd question me at lunch later on.

I was right. When lunch came around and all of my friends and I met at our usual table, Armin, asked me what had happened.

I explained the story to them all. "Oh my god, did he know who you were?" Connie asked. Connie Springer was a close friend of ours but he was not a spy, neither was his girlfriend Sasha Braus but they didn't freak out or anything when we told them we were.

"No he didn't, fortunately enough."

"Your a fuck up, Jaeger." Jean Kirstein said as he sat down next to Armin. Jean was a spy as well, he went by 496 when on a mission. We hated each other with a burning passion and I didn't think we'd ever get along.

"I am not, fucking Horseface."

"Guys, it's been one minute, please shut up and eat." Armin demanded.

Armin was very shy at first glance but when you got to know him you would find out that he was actually a very scary person. He gave us that look that told us that if we argued he'd make sure we were put in our place. Jean and I shut up instantly and focused on our own trays of food.

"Hey Armin,, do you guys have any missions tonight?" Connie asked.

Armin sighed in frustration. "Unfortunately. These missions have really started to take a toll on our mental health." For once, Jean and I agreed with him.

The missions that we have recently received have been tough and were close calls. My side still hurt from the blade that had cut me the night before. I unconsciously rubbed at my side as my mind drifted to last nights mission. I had to be more careful. One slip up and I could be caught or worse, dead.

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