Chapter 11

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I do not own Attack on Titan or any of the characters mentioned.

(Eren P.O.V.)
"Fuck, they have us surrounded." Armin said with his back to me.

This mission was a huge fail. We had been doing fine but we hadn't realized we were being followed until it was too late. Armin and I were pretty banged up. He had been repeatedly shot at and had a bullet wound in his left arm and right shoulder. I had a knife lodged in my knee and bruises covering my hidden face. I could barely walk as blood was flowing profusely from my knee. It hurt like a motherfucker but I couldn't remove the knife. I knew that if I did, I would have increased the risk of my death.

"Just give up Phoenix, your outnumbered and I don't think your little one and a half henchmen are going to be able to save you." Aruro said to us.

I winced at the mention of Jean and Marco. Jean was alive but had been knocked unconscious... Marco, on the other hand, didn't make it. Levi had shot at him before anyone could register what was going on and now Marco lay up against a wall with half of his face blown off. There was a pool of blood surrounding his body and the air was full of the metallic smell. I wanted to throw up.

"We won't give up!" Armin yelled, "We've worked so hard to rid this city of people like you who do not worship Mayor Ymir!"

"Well, Blondie, your so called worshipped mayor isn't all she says she is. I thought you would be smart enough to know about that." Levi said walking up beside Aruro, Erwin, and Hanji.

I growled. "Shut up! You don't know anything! Ymir is the greatest mayor this city has ever had and she has great plans for it."

"Can't you tell she's playing you, you dumb brat, she plans to turn this city into a fucking waste in which people wallow at her feet, can't you see she's manipulating you, Eren?" Levi said then ripped off my hood.

Armin and I stared shocked. Me mostly. How had he found out? When did he find out? How long has he known it was me. So many questions ran through my head but I could not voice them all so I just stayed quiet and focused on the question that was asked of me.

"Ymir does not manipulate people, she helps them. For as long as I have known her she has been nothing but nice and accepting of what we have to do. I gave up my entire teenage life just so I could get back at the people who put my sister in a coma and killed my parents."

"Who are you on about?" Levi asked annoyed.

I looked down at my feet. "Carla Jaeger and Grisha Jaeger were both killed by your fucking leaders hands." I said pointing to Erwin who had straightened up at the two names.

"Your Grisha and Carla's son?" He asked, walking over to me and examining my face up close.

"Why do you want to know?" I asked looking at him with my piercing green eyes that I inherited from my father.

"You are aware that your parents worked for the Corps when they were younger right?"

"Don't fucking stand there and tell me lies! My mom and dad supported Mayor Ymir's plans for the city." I defended.

"Which is why I killed them." Erwin stated simply then continued. "They betrayed the Corps by siding with the Phoenix Agency so, I had to kill them."

I hated him so much. "Yeah, yeah, you killed them in front of me. And when you killed them my sister, when she was of age, joined the Phoenix so she could get her revenge. And she almost did, she blew up your old headquarters but was caught in the cross fire. I'm surprised she hadn't died."

The Corps agents glanced at each other with horrified expressions. "Mikasa Ackerman is your sister?" Erwin asked.

"Yeah, and now that she's in a coma, I'm going to be the one that fucking murders you!" I yelled then right handed the blonde on his cheek and made to kick him with my good leg,

Erwin laughed as he grabbed me by my ankle. "Is that all you've got? I would have expected more from the great 212." He pushed me to the ground and pointed a gun at me.

"Now if you want to live, I suggest you do as we say."

I was about to protest when Armin spoke. "We'll do it."

"No we won't," I began but Erwin put his finger on the trigger, "Yes we will."

"Good boy, tie them up and carry them back to head quarters, from the looks of it they won't be able to walk for much longer."

Aruro made his way to Armin and Levi came over to me. He bound my wrists tightly behind my back and then tied my ankles.

"Hanji," Levi said, "When we get to head quarters I want you to get this knife out of his knee, I don't need him dying of infection before we start questioning them."

Hanji nodded then laughed maniacally. "Can I do some experiments on them?"

"What?!" Armin shrieked in terror as the brunette lady examined him up close.

I was lifted from my spot on the ground and tossed carelessly over Levi's shoulder. "Tch, how was a light weight person like you able to stand a chance against us?" He asked and readied his maneuver gear.

"Yeah well, this light weight person is going to throw up on you if this thing goes to fast." I said because I had never used maneuver gear before. The entire concept of maneuver gear was terrifying. I mean, you fly through the air because two grapple chords fling you where you need to go. I had always wondered how none of these people ever hit a building before.

Levi and the other Corps agents didn't say anything as we launched through the air. And in the end I was right. Maneuver gear is terrifying.

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