Chapter 5

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Previously on

Harry's Unexpected Pregnancy

We make it back to our room and see an owl holding a letter from Gingttos. Goyle put down the car seats and diaper bag. He walks over to the owl and takes the letter, we watch the owl fly away. Goyle and I seat down on the couch and he opens the letter.

Dear Mr. Potter

We have found a few houses in the muggle world that you might like. Three are in Britain and three houses are in America.

Inclosed are listings along with photos of each house. Please let us Goblins here at Gringttos know which house you chose.


Gringotts Bank

"What do you think Muggle Britain or Muggle America"? asks Goyle.


(One week old)

Harry's Pov

It has been a whole week since the twins were born and things have been crazy. Goyle and I had a long talk about where we wanted to move to for the summer and we chose to move to Muggle America because in America nobody knows who we are and it means that we can raise the babies how we want to. We told Griphook which house we liked and the goblins handle buying the house and getting us temporary citizenship for the next two months. I did tell the goblins no house elves because I don't want to raise Draco or Severus around house-elves. Don't get me wrong they are useful but I want to raise them and I don't want magic around the twins until they are six months old. 

Goyle is in his last few classes for the school year and I have spent the day packing and taking care of the twins. The twins themselves have been growing and they are always hungry. Like right now I'm holding Draco who is nursing and packing up the living room. Severus is sleeping in the pack-in play sitting next to the couch. When Goyle comes back after classes I'm packing up the nursery, both of the babies are asleep.

"How was the last day of classes". 

"Okay I guess, I missed you and the babies". 

"We missed you too". 

"Are you going to the end of the year feast"?

"No, because knowing Dumbledore he will steal away the house cup away from the house who had the most points plus I want to finish packing so we can in the morning to be on the train before anyone else". 

We spend the next few hours packing up the rest of the things. Severus wakes up and starts crying. I change his diaper then pulling up my shirt, he latches on and starts nursing. Goyle leaves for the closing feast and I give the babies a bath and put them to bed. Once the babies are asleep I start packing up the kitchen. Around 9:30 I hear crying from my bedroom so I walk in there and see Severus looking up at me. 

"Hi Severus". 

I pick him up and hold him, which makes Severus stop crying.

"Did you just want to be held". 

Severus makes a noise and I move back to the kitchen with him. I'm packing up the plates and bowls when Goyle comes back. 

"How was the feast". 

"The house cup went to Ravenclaw and Dumbeldore told me to tell you that you have to go back to your Aunt and Uncle". 

"I guess it's a good thing that we are moving to the US then". 

"Why is Severus awake". 

"I think he wanted to be held". 

Goyle leans down and kisses Severus on his head. 

"Can you pack up the bathroom for me then we will do the bedroom around the babies"? 

I finish the kitchen then move to the bedroom, put Severus back into the bassinet, and start packing up the bedroom. Goyle comes into the bedroom around midnight and we finish packing the bedroom except for a blanket, clothes for tomorrow, and the clothes the babies will be wearing along with the baby things we are taking on the train with us. I guess one good thing about having newborn twins is that we only get about two-three hours of sleep. Around three am we fall asleep. Waking up to a crying baby, casting a tempus charm I see that it's 6 getting out of bed I walk over to the bassinet it's Draco who is crying, I pick him up and Draco nuzzles my breast. I pull up my shirt and he latches on and starts nursing. At 6:30, Goyle wakes up and picks up Severus who is awake and staring up at us. 

When 7:00 hit we started to finish packing up the bedroom. At 7:30 we got the babies' diapers changed and dressed. Since today is the last of the term The Slytherins want to meet the babies before heading to the Great Hall. We shrink all of the boxes and put them into our trunks then head down to the Slytherin common room and Goyle gives the password. We shrink all of the boxes and put them into our trunks. Since this is the first time everyone from Slytherin, all crowed around us to see the babies. I pull off the cover from Severus's car seat and Goyle takes out Draco.  I watch as the babies get passed around to the Slytherins even the first years but we make them sit down before having them hold the babies. When it's time to head to the Great Hall, we put the babies back into their car seats with the covers and head to the Great Hall. 

Getting to the Great Hall I watch the rest of the school staring at the car seats but I pay no attention to them, sitting down at the Slytherin table with Fred, George, and Neville. Putting the car seats next to us, I grab a plate of food and start eating. When Severus starts crying I pull the cover-up a little and see him sucking his hand. Grabbing the diaper bag I pull out a bottle and since we are in the Great Hall I don't pull him out of the car seat. While feeding Severus, I see Gryffindor trying to look at the babies but thanks to the covers they can't. After eating, we head down to the train and get on. We find a compartment easily because of the Slytherins. Inside the compartment, I get the twins settled. Putting up the wards to keep out any unwanted people. Taking off the covers I see that both babies are asleep. Once the train starts moving I sit down across from the twins so I can still see them. 

About 4 hours into the train ride is when the babies wake up. Draco starts looking around the compartment until he sees me then Draco gives me what is a smile from a newborn. I move to pick him up and hold him.  30 minutes later I have Draco nursing and Goyle is changing Severus's diaper. When I start to see the station we get the babies settled back into their car seats and get ready to get off the train. When we come to a stop I get off first so that I can talk to my uncle but I make sure Goyle is walking with me. When I see my uncle I walk over to him. 

"Uncle Vernon". 


"You can go home and I'm not coming with you". 

"What are you talking about boy". 

"I'm moving and not going back to the house with you". 

Vernon doesn't say anything he just walks away and Goyle and I head to Gringttos. Getting there we met up with Griphook and he takes us by portkey. We land outside of the house and I love it. Walking inside I see the living room. Sitting the babies on the couch I walk around the house. Walking into the room that will be the nursery looking around at how I would want to do the room. I walk back into the living room and see Goyle taking off the covers. 

"We put up the wards around the house as you wanted". says Griphook

"Thank you Griphook". 

He leaves and Goyle and I start to unpack the things we brought from Hogwarts. Setting up the pack-in play I move the boys into it. We send the next seven hours unpacking and starting on the nursery.  At 3:30 in the morning, we move the babies and ourselves into the master bedroom for bed. Make sure the twins are good and asleep. Turning around I get a big shock. 

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