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( first trimester: Week 10)

Harry's Pov               

It has been four weeks since I got pregnant. I'm 10 weeks which means I'm three months pregnant.  My symptoms have been that I feel bloated and my body is making more saliva but I have been told by Madam Pomfrey. 

I'm still living with the Slytherins at the moment. These past few weeks have been so hard because nobody from Gryffindor is talking to me. They all think because I'm pregnant with Snape and Draco that I have turned to the Dark side. The thing is that since my thrid year I have been more grey than light. Dumbledore has kept a lot of things from me about my place in the wizarding world. I will not get into what I know yet. 

 Ron and Hermione are still mad at me from what I said in Charms class but I was true and I have some proof that they haven't fully been my friends.  Ron hates the fact that I'm talking and hanging out with Slytherins but they understand me more than anyone else. The Slytherins told me about how a lot of students in Slytherin are abused at home and because of that, they could tell that I was abused growing up and are helping me to try and understand that I'm nothing like what my "family" says.

Classes have been going fine and my morning sickness sucks and they shouldn't call it morning sickness because it lasts all day. It's weird looking down at my stomach and seeing a little bump where Snape and Draco are at.


(Sceond trimester: Week 23)

(Six months Pregnant)

I'm 23 weeks pregnant and I was told that the babies can now hear what is happening outside of the womb and I have taken to talking to them. When the others find out they all started to talk to them now too. My main symptoms is swollen ankles and hands. 

Today I moved into my room and it has a living room, a dining room, a kitchen, a huge bedroom which is painted blue, across the hall from my room is the bathroom and the room next to mine is going to be the nursery which I still have to do.  I have been thinking of what I want to do for the nursery. I was thinking at because they are both Slytherins that I might paint the nursery green. The Slytherins are coming over and helping me with the nursery because I told them I don't want to use magic I want to do it by hand and they agreed to help me with it. I show them around and then take them to the babies room and start by saying that we need to paint the wall green. 

After the paint dries I put up the wall decorations while Blaise and Goyle put together the cribs and Pansy brings in the chair while Crabbe puts together the changing table. After everything is put together I tell them where I want it. I look around and tell them I like it. I walk over to the couch and sit down. 

Goyle sits down next to me and puts his hand on the bump which was getting bigger and bigger every day.  

"Thank you for putting up with us Harry". says Goyle. 

"It's okay and right now I want to be with you guys in Slytherin". 

 "This might sound weird but can I kiss you". says Goyle.

 I nod my head and we kiss.

 I was the one to end the kiss when the need to breathe become too much. 

"How was it". asked Goyle. 

Instead of giving a vocal answer, I kiss Goyle again and I straddle him.

Harry's Unexpected PregnancyHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin