Chapter 14

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Harry's Unexpect Previously

Greg's Pov

Around 3:15 in the morning, Draco is the first to fall asleep, and Remus puts him into his crib. Severus is still awake, and he doesn't look like he is going to fall asleep any time soon.

"Harry, Greg go back to bed, and I will stay up with Severus until he falls asleep". says Remus

"Are you sure Remus"? I ask

" I'm sure". says Remus

"Thanks Remus".  says Harry

Harry and I head back to bed and cuddle with each other until Harry falls asleep.

"I love you".

"I love you too Greg".

I fall asleep not too long after Harry.

(January 6, 1998)

(Seven Months old)

Harry's Pov

Severus and Draco are officially seven months old. Since they are now on the move now all the time, we have started baby-proofing the house and we did use magic to help, especially with making sure anything that could fall on them is secured to the wall. Both Severus and Draco are 19 pounds. They are still breastfeeding and my nipples hurt thanks to how much they feed.  The boys are still teething but it has gotten better because now the boys are sleeping for the most part, Draco wakes up more than Severus does during the night.  

Draco was the first one to start crawling which I was surprised about because he was behind Severus when it came to starting on crawling.  Since we are on winter break, it means that Greg and I have been around more and getting to spend more time with the boys which means that I was with Draco when he crawled for the first time. We were in the playroom when I saw Draco on his hands and knees and rocking back and forth until he started to move and across the padded floor. I cried when I saw Draco crawling and shouted for Greg who came running with Sev to see Draco crawling. We were so happy because we were starting to worry about Draco and how he was developing when it came to Severus. Now we try not to compare the boys for so many reasons but it was hard because Draco was behind all the time. When Draco is awake, he loves playing with toys that shake or crinkle and he loves tummy time. Draco will spend two to three hours a day for tummy time and he will spend that time "talking" to Remus who seems to enjoy spending time with Draco which I'm fine with because it will make better memories for werewolves than Greyback. 

Severus started crawling about a week later and the same thing happened except both Greg and I were with the boys in the playroom when Severus started crawling. We cried seeing Severus crawl because it means that Greg and I are raising both of the rights and despite how the whole thing started, Greg and I have fallen in love with both boys and each other.  When I first got hit with the spell and got pregnant with Severus and Draco, I never thought that I would love Severus as much as I do. I'm hoping that when Severus remembers his past life he will also remember the last five years and how Greg and I love them. During the day, Severus loves playing with his toys and shaking them because he also loves crinkle toys. Severus will do tummy time but not as much as Draco because Sev will only spend about an hour for tummy time before he gets upset. What Severus loves the most is the jumper in the doorway where he can jump up and down for hours on end. Severus loves to do and he will spend three to four hours jumping and he does.  

Mine and Greg's relationship has been great.  We have been getting closer to the wedding date and I can't wait to marry Greg. When I started Hogwarts and met Gregory Goyle, I never thought that I would be living in America, have two kids, and be getting married to Greg or be gay but here I am and I couldn't be happier with the way my life is going. Since the boys are starting to sleep more, Greg and I have been sending more time together at night and I'm happy to say that we have a great sex life but we make sure that we are using protection because Greg and I have talked about having kids of our own, not that Severus and Draco are not our kids but I want a little baby who looks like Greg and Severus and Draco to have a sibling that they can love and help with changing the boy's life to make it better from their old lives. 


It's about 9 in the morning right now and the boys just woke up. Greg takes Severus and I take Draco, we strip them before taking the boys to the bathroom and giving them a bath. After the bath, we dress the boys and I feed them before we take the boys downstairs. I put Draco into his jumper while Greg does the same with Severus. We met Remus in the kitchen where he is cooking. Remus hands us a plate before sitting down with his own.

"What are your plans for today"? ask Remus

"I have a job interview because we can't live off the trust vaults nor do we want to live off the trust vaults". says Greg

"I get it". says Remus

"Greg and I have decided that we don't want the boys fully in the Wizarding World until they remember their old lives which scares me so much". I say

"Why does that scare you pup"? asks Remus

"Because what if this is all for nothing? What if the boys don't care about how Greg and I changed their lives"? I ask

"It's okay to have these questions pup especially with Severus and Draco being the ones who were affected. We won't know until they remember". says Remus

After breakfast, Remus and Greg leave the house. Greg has the interview and Remus has some work to do in the Wizarding World. I clean up the kitchen and start the dishwasher before moving into the living room but before I clean the living room, I take the boys into the playroom and set up the baby monitor so that I can keep an ear open for the boys before I start cleaning the living room. Once I'm done with the living room, I head to the playroom and put the boys done for a nap in the playroom since there are two cribs in the room. I move to the breakfast bar and start on my homework that my math teacher gave us for winter break because school starts back up next week. After I get done with my homework, I look up playroom ideas because we want to change how the playroom looks as the boys get older. 

Greg gets home around 2. 

"How did the interview go"? I ask

"I got the job and will start next week after school". says Greg

I get up and kiss him. 

"Where are the boys"? asks Greg

"Taking a nap in the playroom". 

Greg pulls me upstairs and into our bedroom where we have sex. 

The rest of the day is spent with the boys and Remus.  After the boys are down for the night. Greg and I continue what we started earlier. Once we get cleaned up, we lay in bed cuddling. 

"I love you". I say

"I love you too". says Greg

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