Chapter 21

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Previously on

Harry's Unexpected Pregnancy Previously

Harry's Pov

Greg pulled me into his arms, holding me close as we lay together in the stillness of the night. In that moment, surrounded by love and warmth, I knew that no matter what the future holds, as long as we face it together, we will be able to overcome any obstacle that comes our way.

And as sleep claimed us both, I drifted off with a sense of peace and contentment, knowing that I was exactly where I was meant to be—in the arms of the man I loved, with our growing family nestled close to our hearts.


(11 weeks pregnant)

Harry's Pov

As I entered the eleventh week of my pregnancy, I marveled at the incredible journey unfolding within me. Our baby grew rapidly, developing from a tiny cluster of cells into a fully formed little human being. Each day brought new changes and milestones, and I couldn't help but feel a sense of wonder and awe at the miracle of life.

According to the healer, our baby was now about the size of a lime, measuring just over two inches in length. Its tiny features began taking shape, with little fingers and toes forming and delicate facial features becoming more defined daily. I couldn't wait to see our baby again at our next ultrasound appointment to witness firsthand the amazing transformation within me.

But as our baby continued to grow and develop, so too did the symptoms of my pregnancy. Morning sickness had become a constant companion, leaving me queasy throughout the day. Unlike my previous pregnancy with Severus and Draco, this time around, the morning sickness seemed to be even worse, with waves of nausea hitting me at all hours of the day and night.

More often than not, I found myself retreating to the bathroom, the bitter taste of bile lingering on my tongue as I struggled to keep even the blandest of foods down. Greg was always there by my side, offering encouragement and support as I battled through each bout of sickness.

"It's okay, Harry," he would say, his voice gentle but reassuring. "You're doing great. Just take deep breaths and try to relax."

But no matter how hard I tried, the nausea seemed to linger, a constant reminder of the little life growing inside me. It was exhausting, both physically and emotionally, and there were times when I felt like I couldn't go on.

"It's not fair," I would mutter, tears of frustration prickling at the corners of my eyes. "Why does morning sickness have to be so much worse this time?"

Greg would wrap his arms around me, holding me close as I sobbed into his chest. "I know, Harry," he would whisper, his voice filled with empathy. "But we'll get through this together. I promise."

And together, we did. Despite the challenges and hardships, we faced each day with determination and strength, knowing that the result would be more than worth it. Our baby was growing strong and healthy, and with each passing week, our love for them grew more substantial and profound.

As we prepared for the arrival of our newest addition, I couldn't help but feel a sense of gratitude for our incredible journey. Despite the hardships and struggles, we welcomed another precious life into our family. I knew that no matter what challenges lay ahead, as long as we faced them together, we could overcome anything that came our way.


Greg and I are taking the boys to the park. We get them ready and leave the house. We walk to the park. As Greg and I watched Severus and Draco play at the park, their laughter echoing through the air, a sense of warmth and contentment settled over me. Despite the challenges and uncertainties ahead, moments like these reminded me of how blessed I was to have my family by my side.

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