Chapter 11

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I turn on the baby monitor before leaving the room and heading into my bedroom where I get ready for bed. Walking back downstairs I say goodnight to Remus, put away my homework and head back upstairs and climb into bed. Greg follows about five minutes later and spoons me.

"Goodnight" says Greg

"Goodnight". I say

We fall asleep.


(4 months old)
(October 12th, 1997)

Harry's Pov

Draco and Severus are four months old. They are starting to get big, which I love and hate because the boys are healthy and growing but starting to grow up. Something that is really cute that the boys do is that they will sit up or lean against something, face each other and start "talking" to each other. It's really cute to watch because it is just so cute since it sounds like bubbling noises. I love when the boys squeal because it shows how happy the boys are. One thing I don't fully love is how the boys think it's funny to put everything in their mouths because it means that Greg, Me, and Remus always have to be watching the boys all the time to make sure that they don't get their little hands on something that is not meant for babies. I'm still breastfeeding the twins but not as much.

Severus has started to roll over which makes tummy time and changing him a little more difficult since he won't stop moving. I wanted to raise the boys away from magic for the first year but I have had to use a sticking charm on Severus to keep him on the changing table from time to time. Something Severus loves is talking to Remus and Dragon, when Greg and I come home from school we will find Severus sitting up against the couch with Dragon laying next to him and Severus babbling to Remus who is nodding along and speaking like he understands what Severus is saying. It's cute to watch until Severus will see Greg and me before he lets out a squeal and reaches out to be held.

Draco has also learned how to roll over but he is not as bad as Severus when it comes to moving on the changing table so I haven't had to use the sticking charm on him yet. Draco loves to watch himself in the full-body mirror that is in the living room and talk to himself in the mirror. It's funny watching Draco talk to his reflection and not knowing that it's him in the mirror. Something Greg and I noticed about Draco is that when he sees us he will smile but doesn't squeal as Severus does. We are hoping that it's just Draco expressing himself differently than Severus does and not something as such as a learning disability.

Halloween is coming up in a few weeks and Greg and I have been trying to figure out what we want to dress Severus and Draco up as since this will be their first Halloween in their new life. I never liked Halloween growing up because it was the day my parents died and I became an orphan but I want to go trick-or-treating with the boys so that they can get some memories. I did get a letter from the Malfoy's asking if we could come to visit before Halloween so that they could see the boys. I told them that we would come to visit and set a date.

Greg and I have been doing good at school. It's different than Hogwarts but I like muggle school better because nobody knows who I'm. Greg is the only one who knows who Harry Potter, The-boy-who-lived is which I'm fine with. Greg and Me stay mostly to ourselves but we have made a friend or two. We haven't told our friends about how we are together and getting married or about the boys.

It's Friday and Greg and I have to go to school which I really don't but have to because after school we are meeting up with the Malfoys and Riddle.

Remus's Pov

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