Chapter 15

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Previously on

Harry's Unexpect Previously

Harry's Pov

The rest of the day is spent with the boys and Remus.  After the boys are down for the night. Greg and I continue what we started earlier. Once we get cleaned up, we lay in bed cuddling.

"I love you". I say

"I love you too". says Greg
(February 10, 1998)

(Eight months old)

Harry's Pov

Eight months old. I can't believe that Severus and Draco are eight months old. The boys have gotten so much more active in this last month as they got bigger and they are becoming a lot harder to control especially with both boys crawling and Severus has started to stand up while holding onto the couch for a few seconds before falling back down. Greg and I have the feeling that by the time the boys are nine months old, Severus might be walking. Apart from how mobile the boys are getting, they are still breastfeeding but not as much now which I'm thankful for because my nipples hurt all the time but solids foods have been a lifesaver. Right now the boys have been eating most of the same food that Greg, Remus, and I eat and they seem to like the food. 

School has been going well for Greg and me. I can't wait to be done with the school year but we still have three months left. We both have managed to make some friends and we did tell them about us being together along with us getting married in the summer. They didn't seem shocked when we told them about us but they were shocked to find out that we have twins at home and are teen parents. Our friends did ask a lot of questions about the twins. Greg and I continued with the lie about how I'm transgender which explained how I got pregnant with Severus and Draco. Before we told our friends, Greg and I did sit down and talk about everything like what would we tell them and how we hoped that we were accepted for being gay because that was a real fear we had here in the Muggle world since muggles are still not fulling accepting of the LBGTQ community unlike the Wizarding World but our friends accepted us and that makes me happy because both Greg and I have had enough hate. One of our friends did ask where we planned on getting married since America doesn't allow same-sex marriage so we told them that we are getting married somewhere that same-sex marriage is legal but we can't tell them about the Wizarding World which is where same-sex marriage is legal.  

Greg and mine relationship has also been great and we have so in love. Despite being together for almost a year, we are still falling in love with each other and I never in my life thought that I would be this happy with someone.  Onto the boys.

 Since he learned to crawl Draco has been hard to keep track of because I will put him on the floor in the living room on their play mat with some toys and will turn my back to get Severus and when I turn back around, Draco is not were I left him which means while holding Severus, I start a search for Draco and he is mostly found in the dining room playing with Dragon's water. After the third time, it happened we got baby gates and put them in the doorway of the dining room, at the bottom of the stairs. Draco was not happy with the gates and he let us know. The boys had a doctor's appointment last week and she said that both boys are healthy and developing right for their age. She did ask us if we have seen any more issues with Draco and I did tell her about when Draco was holding one of his books for babies, he seemed upset as he looked at it before throwing the book and crying. She told us to keep an eye on Draco and I nod my head. Besides the book, Draco loves playing with his toys. His favorite toys are building blocks but we did have to teach Draco not to throw the blocks since he threw one at Severus and caused a cut on Severus's forehead. One major thing that Draco again shocked us with is saying his first word which was "Papa" Greg cried for two hours straight after that. When asked about it, Greg told Remus and me how in Draco's old life he didn't speak until he was one and a half because Draco told him that he never felt safe talking before he was almost two the first time. Finding out why Greg cried for two hours makes a lot of sense now and I feel so sorry for Draco along with being happy that Draco feels so safe right now that he said his first word at eight months old. 

Severus is worst than Draco when it comes to being mobile because we can't let him out of our sight or he will be somewhere that he shouldn't be. Like Draco, I had put him down for a second, looked away and when I turned back around, he was nowhere to be seen and when I did find Severus, he was on the stairs being blocked by Remus who was coming down them. Severus was also not happy with the gates and he tried to break one and he became the first one to be introduced to time-out and he was also not happy about it, and I had to break the no magic rule and use a sticking charm on him to keep him in time-out. After the block attack from Draco, he was sent into time-out, and Severus stood there laughing at Draco. Greg and Remus stood there watching and laughing too and I just walked away and left them to deal with a grumpy Draco. Severus has gotten the idea that he wants to be the one to walk first out of the boys which means that he has taken to holding onto the couch, the baby gates, cribs, and anything else that can hold his weight. Each time he stands, it's for longer periods and I feel like Severus is getting closer to walking for the first time. I think that the boys are having a competition with each other because after Draco said his first word, it was about a minute later that Severus said his first word which was "Daddy" I cried because it means that for right now Severus sees me as his dad and I can't be happier about it because it does mean that the spell is working and I can't wait to see Severus and Draco develop with the spell as they get older. Severus also loves playing with toys but thankfully his favorite toys are stuffed animals and we haven't had any more throwing problems. 


Harry's Pov

I just got home from school while Greg is at work. Walking into the house it's quiet which is never a good thing. I set down my backpack and start on the hunt for the twins and Remus. I find them in the playroom with Remus laying on his back asleep, Draco on his left side asleep, Severus on his right side asleep, and Dragon laying in the middle of Remus's chest also sleeping. I grab the camera that sits on a shelf next to the playroom and take a picture. Walking away from the playroom, I head to the kitchen and make myself a snack before getting my homework started. About 30 minutes late, Remus comes out of the playroom and into the kitchen before leaning against the counter. 

"Where are Severus and Draco?" I ask

"In the cribs sleeping."

"How was your day pup?"

"It was good. Can't wait for May. How was your and the boy's day?" 

"Good. They had a bottle at 12 with some scrambled eggs before playing and then we fall asleep. As the boys were playing, I got some work done."

"Sounds like you had a fun day."

"What time does Greg get off work?" asks Remus

"8." I say

Remus nods his head. 

At 6:30, I start dinner for us which is Mac&Cheese and hotdogs. Remus puts the boys into their highchairs while I make plates for the boys along with bottles of juice mixed with water. Once the boys start eating, Remus and I make our plates and sit down and eat. After dinner, Remus cleans up the kitchen while I take the boys upstairs and get a bath ready. Bath time is always messy with the boys. I get them washed before drying and get them dressed and as we are leaving the bathroom, Greg is coming up the stairs. 

"How was work?" I ask

"It was good. Happy to be home with you and the boys." says Greg 

"We missed you." 

Greg and I play with the boys before I breastfeed them and lay them down for the night. Greg and I get into the shower together which turns into some adult time before heading downstairs and turning on a movie while cuddling on the couch. 

"Where is Remus?" I ask

"He was leaving as I was walking in. Said something about meeting someone." says Greg

"I think Remus might be seeing someone." I say

"Me too." 

After the movie, we head to bed. Climbing into bed Greg pulls me into him and we cuddle. 

"Goodnight, I love you Harry." 

"Goodnight, I love you too Greg." 

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