Chapter 6

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Please note that the Blue Himalayan cat was my cat named Stonewall who unfortunately passed away in 2018 from old age.


Previously on

Harry's UnexpectPreviously on

He leaves and Goyle and I start to unpack the things we brought from Hogwarts. Setting up the pack-in play I move the boys into it. We send the next seven hours unpacking and starting on the nursery. At 3:30 in the morning, we move the babies and ourselves into the master bedroom for bed. Make sure the twins are good and asleep. Turning around I get a big shock. 


Harry's Pov

I see Goyle kneeling on one knee holding a red velvet with a beautiful ring.

"Harry James Potter, I know that we have only been together for a short time but I can't picture myself living without you. When the school year started I didn't I would fall in love with someone but then I found myself falling in love with you. Harry will you do the honor of marrying me". ask Goyle 

"Yes, I will marry you". 

Goyle gets up and puts the ring on my finger and we kiss but that is as far as we get because one of the babies starts crying.  I walk over to them and see Severus awake. 

"What's wrong baby boy". 

I check his diaper and find it wet. I put Sev down on the changing table and change him. I go to put him down but he starts crying. I move over to the bed and lay down with Severus laying on my chest.  I fall asleep after casting a sticky charm on my chest to keep Severus from falling off. 

(Four Weeks Old)

The twins are now four weeks old which means they are a month old and I have never been more tried in my life. Don't get me wrong I love both of them very much but I do miss sleep. Since the babies are getting older I have noticed some parts of their personality along with the little small hints about their past "life". 

 Severus when he was awake never liked being put down unless he was holding something like a small stuffed animal.  There are times during the day that Severus wants to be held all of the time which I'm fine with. One of the things Severus loves is nursing. I don't fully know why Severus loves nursing but I'm not going to stop because who knows what will happen when Severus and Draco turn six months. One thing I do know is that I want to keep breastfeeding until they are a year old. I think Severus feels safe when he is nursing and is developing an oral fixation because when he isn't nursing then he has a pacifier in his mouth. We got both of the boy's stuffed animal pacifier holders and Severus's is a penguin while Draco's is a dragon because yes we got Draco a dragon pacifier holder. Now back on to Severus's personality as a one-month-old baby. When Severus is not nursing, he likes being in the baby swing/bouncer while sucking on his pacifier and holding a stuffed fluffy penguin stuffed animal in his little chubby arms. At night when it's bedtime Severus will nurse for as long as he can then when he gets put into his crib, the stuffed penguin stays in his arms while he sucks on a pacifier. 

Draco on the other hand is mostly different from Severus. Draco like Severus likes being held but not as much as Snape does. What Draco loves is sitting in his swing/bouncer and cuddling a dragon stuffed animal.  Draco loves nursing too and I found out from Goyle that Narcissa never nursed Draco after three days. I loved the fact that by nursing Draco I was starting to change his past.  Draco also likes sleeping on top of the kitten we got last week. I wanted the boys to grow up with a pet other than an owl. I love Hedwig but I wanted boys to grow up with a muggle animal so we got a cat. It's a Blue Himalayan male and Draco loves him. Even at a month old Draco is grabbing onto things and will not let go until he wants to, which means that Draco will grab a fist full of the cat's fur and hold on. The poor cat named Dragon never knows what to do with his leech at is my son. Even after a month, it's still weird to think of Draco and Severus as my sons but they are.  At night when it's the boy's bedtime Draco will pull Dragon into his crib with him and cuddle the cat until he is asleep and I will remove Dragon and give Draco his stuffed animal dragon. 

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