Chapter 7

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Previously on

Harry's Unexpect Previously

We get a diaper bag packed and make sure that we have everything we could need which means diapers, wipes, extra clothes, a changing pad, pacifiers, the pacifier holders, the boys stuffed animals, and blankets along with the car seats and covers. At 5:50 we throw the floo powder into the fireplace and walk in. Stepping out of the floo I see Lucius waiting for us. He takes us to the study where Riddle is and knocks on the door. When we enter Riddle stands up.



Harry's Pov


I put down Severus's car seat and Goyle puts down Draco's. 

"I want to see them". 

I pull off the cover on Sevs car seat to see him awake and sucking on his pacifier. He looks up at me and I can see the tears starting to well up in his little eyes. I pick him up and sit down on a chair that is in front of Riddle's desk.  Pulling up my shirt I get Severus to latch and he starts making happy little noises.

Voldemort's Pov

I watch my door open and see Lucius leading Potter and Goyle into the room. 



Potter sits down the car seat that he is holding and Goyle follows by sitting down the car seat he is holding. 

"I want to see them". 

Potter pulls off the car seat cover and pulls out the baby. We all watch as Harry sits down on one of the chairs in front of my desk. He pulls up his shirt and gets the baby to latch onto his nipple. I listen to the baby making noises. 

"The baby who is nursing is Severus". 

I walk over to Harry and stare at Severus. He looks the same for the most part. I can see that his hair is not as greasy or thin. I can't see what his eyes look like because they are closed. I walk away from Harry and Severus and over to Goyle and Draco. Draco looks up at me and starts crying. 

Goyle's Pov

I watch as the dark lord looks over Severus and then he walks over to me. I'm holding Draco and both Lucius and Narcissa are watching and looking at Draco. The lord comes to stand right in front of me. I watch as Draco looks up and stares at Riddle before he starts crying. I reach down into the diaper bag and pull out Draco's pacifier and holder and get him to take it. 

"Can I hold him". asks Narcissa

I look over to Harry and watch as he nods his head. I stand up and move to stand in front of her. Make sure Draco will not cry when I hand him off, I pass him carefully and slowly to her. She looks down at him with tears in her eyes. 

"He looks so different". Narcissa says. 

I will agree to that because Draco does look different thanks to the spell which changed most of his DNA.  

Harry's Pov

I watch as Narcissa holds Draco and has to fight the urge to jump up from the chair and take Draco out of her arms. I know that she is Draco's biological mother but for the last 10 months (9 months pregnancy, 1-month-old) my mind and body thinks of Draco as my son, and the fact that someone other than Goyle or me holding him is causing my instincts to scream at me to get my baby back from a threat. Before I can do something stupid Draco does it for me. Draco lets out this cry which makes Narcissa jump from the shock. Goyle jumps up from his spot on the couch and walks over to her. He takes Draco from her arms and checks his diaper. He walks over to me and we trade babies. I take Draco and get him to latch on my nipple that is still full. Draco latches and he starts nursing while letting out small grunts. 

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