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(1633 words) 

I have changed the age that Severus and Draco will get their memories back. Instead of 6 months, the boys will get them back at 5 years old. The boys will slowly get their memories back. 

Please note that the story takes place at the moment in 1997 but I'm pulling in things from the last few years. 


Previously on

Harry's Unexpect Previously

I get up and move Draco into his swing when Greg says that dinner is ready. After dinner, we clean up the kitchen, I sit down on the couch and start pumping for tomorrow while Greg gets the boys ready for bed. Remus heads up to bed. After I finish pumping and getting the milk in the fridge, I head upstairs and get ready for bed. Climbing into bed Greg spoons me and we fall asleep.


(2 months old)

(August 15th, 1997)

Harry's Pov

Today is my and Greg's first day of Muggle school. I'm both excited and nervous for today because this is the first time we are leaving the twins for the day since they were born and I know that I'm going to miss them today. It's currently 5: 30 in the morning, Greg is in the shower and I'm making sure that Remus will have enough breastmilk to last the school day.  I feed Dragon before heading upstairs to check on the boys before I take my shower. Walking into the nursery I see that Draco is awake. I pick him up and walk over to the changing table where I take off the sleeper. I take Draco into mine and Greg's room where Greg is standing at the dresser in a towel.

"Will you come to get Draco from the shower when I yell"? I ask

"How about I sit on the towel and take him when you are done cleaning him". says, Greg

"That works". I say 

I take off Draco's diaper before turning on the shower to lukewarm, getting into the shower with Draco cuddling up to my chest. I carefully wash Draco before handing him over to Greg. I finish my shower before getting out and getting dressed. Walking into the bedroom I see Draco is dressed and Severus is laying on the bed next to him. Sitting down on the bed I grab the bopper before moving the boys so they can nurse.

 I looked over at the alarm clock. I see that the time is 7:00 am. After the boys finish nursing I take them downstairs and put them into their swings. Make sure that they are both and they look it with pacifiers and their stuffed animals. Walking into the kitchen I kiss Greg on the lips before saying good morning to Remus who is sitting at the table with a smile on his face.  

"Did you sleep well Remus"? I ask

"I did thank you Harry". says Remus 

Greg hands me a plate that has eggs, bacon, and toast on it. Eating my food and talking to Remus about last-minute details. Taking the plate to the sink and washing it. The time is now 7: 15 and it takes fifteen minutes to get to the school. Walking back into the living room I see both boys asleep in their swings while Dragon is sitting on the couch watching them. 

Greg comes into the living room and wraps his arms around my waist.

"They will be in good hands with Remus and Dragon". says Greg

"I know but it's just my instincts since this is the first time I have been away all day from the babies". I say

"I know but Remus will call if something happens or he will use Magic". says Greg

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