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Previously on

Harry's Unexpect Previously

"When do you think we should get married"? asks Greg

"I don't know but I do know that I want Severus and Draco crawling and maybe walking before we get married". I say

"How about we get married in July 1998. It would make the boys a year old". says Greg

"I like that idea". I say

"Good". says Greg

Greg turns my head and we share a kiss before falling asleep.


( 3 months old)

(September 10th, 1997)

Harry's Pov

3 months old. I can't believe the boys are three months old. It doesn't feel real but it is and I love that the boys are getting bigger. The boys will turn to Greg and me will they hear us. Greg and I got a big shock when during tummy time they started to roll from their front to their back, started lifting up their head and pushing up their chest with their hands. I cried the first time I saw it but so did Greg. 

School has been good. Greg and I have been doing the school work and keeping up with our classes. It's hard going to school with two babies and I have a lot of respect for teen parents because it's hard work and I'm thankful to have Remus for help.

Remus agreed to stay here in America and he has been working with the British and American Wizarding Governments to move over here. Remus told us that so far he has met werewolves who are working in the Government here and how he wishes that Britain was more open about creatures like America. 

Severus is starting to show more of his personality.  When Severus gets hungry and I don't pick him up fast enough he will glare at anyone in the room which is both cute and funny at the same time because it means that even as a 3-month-old baby Severus still has his glare from being a teacher.  Another thing Severus is starting to show that I think is different because I don't know much about Severus's original childhood is that Severus loves to be held. Severus will cry if you don't hold him for a certain amount of time. I love holding Severus because it means that I can spend more time with him to bond and try and change the past. 

Draco's personality is also starting to show. Draco is like Severus when it comes to being hungry but he doesn't glare, Draco will cry so loudly until I pick him up then Draco will start kneading my breast like a kitten. It's an odd feeling having my A-cup breast kneaded by a tiny hand but both the boys and Greg like my breast but for very different reasons. Draco loves being tickled, the first Greg tickled him I don't know what I was excepting but to hear Draco start giggling and reach for Greg's hands to tickle him again. It was really cute to watch because it was the first time we heard Draco giggle. 

Greg and I have started to plan our wedding because it will take some time to plan. The only thing that we have is the month and year of our wedding. I can't wait to marry Greg because I don't think I could be happy and in love with anyone else other than Greg. I didn't think that I would find love during my wired magical pregnancy but Greg was there the whole time and I was thankful for him because I was abandoned by all of my friends except for Neville, Fred, and George.   

Right now Remus and Greg are cooking dinner while I'm sitting in the living room with Draco on my lap and reading my biology textbook for school. Severus is in his swing with his pacifier and he looks sleepy so I'm hoping that Severus will fall asleep. Draco also has his pacifier but is wide awake and trying to grab the page that I'm reading for my homework. 

"Draco, Daddy needs to read this page". I say

Draco makes a gurgling noise and shakes his hand with the page in it. 

"Gregory". I yell

"Yes Harry". says Greg

"Will you grab Lamaze the Moose for me please"? I ask

"Sure". says Greg

I move Draco's hand away from the book and Greg walks back up to me and hands me the moose which I hand to Draco and he starts shaking it. 

"Thank you. I don't know if our biology teacher would believe the "my baby destroyed my homework" story even if it was true". I say

Greg laughs and leans down to kiss both Draco and me before heading back into the kitchen to help Remus finish dinner. Draco shakes the moose and I finish reading the page before answering the questions that I need to before starting to read the next page. I don't get far before Greg brings me a plate of food. I put the book to the side and take the plate. 

"Thank you". I say

 "Your welcome". says Greg

I start eating my food and Draco tries to grab the fork. I move the fork away and put the plate down. I move Draco around until he is nursing. I finish my food before carefully standing up and taking the plate into the kitchen. Walking back into the living room I see that Severus is awake. Draco is done so I put him into his swing and place Draco's pacifier in his mouth before picking up Severus. Sitting down on the couch I start nursing Severus while grabbing my homework and finishing it. 

After Severus finished nursing I take both Severus and Draco upstairs for bathtime. Stripping the babies I put the babies' baths into the bathtub and turn on the water to the right temperature. Putting the boys into the bath, they both let out giggles because they love bathtime. Taking a cup of water I pour it over both boys before grabbing the baby shampoo to wash their hair. Getting the boys washed and cleaned I grab the towels and dry them off.  

Taking the two naked babies into the nursery, I sit Draco in his crib and lay Severus on the changing table to put a diaper on him and a green onesie. Laying Severus in his crib I put his pacifier in his mouth before pulling a blanket on his legs. Greg and I only put blankets on the boy's legs when we put them to bed just to help keep their body heat. Picking up Draco I walk over to the changing table, lay him on it, and put on a diaper and a sliver onesie on him before putting Draco into his crib with his pacifier.  I turn on the baby monitor before leaving the room and heading into my bedroom where I get ready for bed. Walking back downstairs I say goodnight to Remus, put away my homework and head back upstairs and climb into bed. Greg follows about five minutes later and spoons me. 

"Goodnight" says Greg

"Goodnight". I say

We fall asleep. 

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