Chapter 17

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Previously on

Harry's Unexpect Previously

Remus's Pov

The night sees us making out on the couch like teenagers before falling into bed. At the end of the night, I'm tired and ready for bed. We say goodnight to each other before falling asleep. 


(April 17, 1998)

(Ten months old)

Harry's Pov

How are Severus and Draco already ten months old? In two months they will be a year old and I don't want to think about that yet because it means that my babies are getting so big. They are becoming more of their own person. Both of them are crawling all around the house more which means that we are keeping a lot closer of an eye on them. They have been also talking a lot more which is cute since they can't say some letters yet like how Draco calls Remus "Emus", since he can't say the r yet, or when Severus tries to say Luna when she comes over to visit during a break because he can't say the L yet, he calls her "una" although Luna loves it. I have loved watching them with Remus, Luna, Neville, George, and Fred when they see them. Something that has come up with both of them is Separation anxiety with Greg, Remus, and I. It hurts my heart to hear them crying and screaming when one of us tries to leave and it makes me want to cry so hard because I hate seeing them upset. We have been trying to work on it with them, but nothing has helped. Both of the boys have been eating what we eat for the most part, we can't get them to eat tomatoes to save our lives. 

Out of the two of them, Severus has been worse when it comes to separation anxiety because anytime Severus doesn't have an eye on one of us at all times, he will start sobbing and it breaks my heart because I want to be around him all the time but I can't and hearing Severus crying, it hurts. It has gotten so bad that Severus is now sleeping in our bed or else he won't sleep at night. Greg and I had a long talk with each other about whether this extreme anxiety has something to do with Severus's first childhood and we both agreed that it could be very true that it came from his first childhood. To help with the anxiety, Severus has been breastfeeding a lot more which I will allow because it means that Severus can get some comfort in knowing that I'm there and not going anywhere. Apart from the separation anxiety, Severus has been walking around the house as if he is holding onto something like the couch or Remus's leg. I have the feeling that he will be walking before they turn one and I don't know how I feel about Severus walking yet. Something that happened with Severus the other day was his first time using magic and we were not excepting it. What happened, one night we were eating dinner, and Severus cleared his plate and he asked for more so I told him that I would get him more but I guess I didn't move fast enough because the next thing I knew, there was a chicken breast flying across the kitchen and it lands in front of Severus, cut up and all. To say that we were shocked was an understatement because this is the first time magic has been used by Severus or Draco since they restarted their lives after the spell. Severus didn't get in trouble because we didn't know that he would use magic but it did make us baby-proof the house with magic just to be sure. 

Draco on the other hand still hasn't shown his magic but we do know that his core is still there because we had both boys checked out with a healer to see if they still had their cores about three weeks before the flying chicken because we wanted to know if the spell did anything to their cores and it did have an effect on them because their cores are pure white and not green like Draco's was or the green-black that Severus was when they got hit with the spell. Draco has been having some separation anxiety but it's nowhere as bad as Severus's which I guess is a good thing but it still sucks to watch Draco cry when one of us leaves. Draco has also been breastfeeding more just like Severus's but not as much. Draco has also been trying to walk and it seems like he and Severus are competing about who will actually walk first and Draco has been getting braver when he is cruising which is what pre-walking is called, I almost had a heart attack when I saw Draco standing in the middle of the living room only holding onto his sleeper as he was jumping in place and trying to take small steps because as I watch him, I saw the sleeper start to move and Draco did end up falling on his butt. He did end up crying but was better once he got to cuddle with Daddy which made everything okay. 

Now I did say that the boys have seen Neville, George, and Fred because they moved here to the US to get away from the war. I did tell them to do what Greg, Remus, and I did which was give up our United Kingdom citizenship so that they only have American citizenship which helps keep Dumbledore trying to make us come back to fight the war because if Dumbledore or any of his supports came into the US, they will be arrested on the spot. After all, the American Wizarding World and the Muggle government hate Albus Dumbledore for everything that he has done to the Wizarding World. When we moved over, we sat down with the Ministry of the American Wizarding World and explained who we were and why we wanted out of England. The Ministry understood and told us that if Dumbledore or any of his supporters came into the US, they would be met at the border and charged with attempted kidnapping and trying to bring war into America. It's one of the reasons why I'm not worried about the boys being used against us to force us back into the war. I have been getting updates from Riddle himself about how the war is going and how happy he is. I was told that Dumbledore and the Order of the Chickens had done a raid. Three people died and one of the people who died was Moody and I don't feel sorry or bad about his death. 

Greg and I have started talking about what we want to do for the boy's first birthday, like what theme we want to go with. I want a cute theme but not overly cute and I did tell Greg that I didn't want anything to do with Hogwarts because as much as I love Hogwarts, I don't want anything to do with the school until Dumbledore is gone and no longer in control of the Wizarding World which he agreed with. I'm kinda wanting an animal-themed party for the boys and I think that it would be cute but not over-the-top cute. We have also been planning our wedding and it's going well. I talked to the Ministry of the Wizard\ing World, and the official of the muggle government so that we could file for our marriage license so that we can get married in June. While gay marriage is not legal in the muggle world, since we are wizards an exception has been made for us because we are living in the muggle world and as much as I hate my fame it does come in handy. 


Greg's Pov

I love Fridays so much because it means that I'm off work and can spend time with the boys and Harry. I still have trouble believing that this is my life where I'm not at Hogwarts for my seventh year. Still, I'm in muggle high school in America, and I no longer have citizenship in the UK, Not in the war anymore, living in America, marrying Harry Potter in two months, or raising twins with Harry Potter. There are times that I feel like I'm dreaming and will wake at Hogwarts with the dark mark on my arm fighting for my life yet when I wake up, I'm cuddling with Harry and Severus and getting to cuddle up with Draco when he first wakes up in the morning. 

As much as I love the boys and spending time with them. I love spending time with Harry. We have a weekly date night where we go out for dinner or just time together. Sex has been great although we haven't been using protection and I know that Harry hasn't been feeling the best for the last few days. I don't want to jump into that he could be pregnant again because it could be from stress over everything that has been happening with school, the wedding, and getting updated by Riddle and Luna on how the war has been going. Harry and I have talked about having a baby but we weren't sure about bringing a baby into our life. I want Harry to take a pregnancy test to be sure but I don't know if he will or not. 

After we get home from school, I spend some time playing with the boys while Harry takes a shower. Remus comes into the living room and sits down on the couch and he looks deep in thought. 

"What's up?" I ask

"Molly contacted me." says Remus

"Why did she call you?" asks Harry coming into the living room

"Dumbledore wants me to try and bring you back to fight in the war." says Remus

"I guess it's a good thing that Dumbledore can't come to America and I have no plans to go back." says Harry

"Yes, it's a good thing that none of us hold England citizenship anymore." I say

Harry and Remus nod their heads. The rest of the day is spent with the boys until they go to bed with Draco in his crib and Severus in our bed before anyone says anything, we use a spell to keep Severus in the middle of the bed so that nothing happens to him. 

"Goodnight Harry. I love you." I say

"Goodnight Greg, I love you too." says Harry 

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