Chapter 12

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Harry's Unexpect Previously

Greg's Pov

Just I start moving my mouth to Harry's cock, we hear a knock. I pull away from Harry and we look at each other. Hearing another knock we get up and head downstairs to the front door. Wondering who is at the door I look out the peephole and see someone I was not expecting to see at my door at 10 o'clock at night or in America. With a look at Harry who is standing behind me, I pull up the door and stare at the person standing there. Before I can say anything, Harry bets me to it.

"Luna"? asks Harry


Harry's Pov

Seeing Luna standing at my door was something I didn't expect to see. Moving out of the way, we invite Luna inside.

"What are you doing here"? I ask

"Daddy and I just moved here to the United States. After last year and Daddy pulling me out of Hogwarts, we have been working on getting me enrolled at Ilvermorny School of Witchcraft and Wizardry and I start after Yule break. I heard from Neville that you and Goyle moved to the US after you gave birth to Draco and Snape which Neville and the Twins filled me in on what happened last year". says Luna

"Yea last year at Hogwarts was crazy with the pregnancy and everything that happened with the Gryffindors thinking that I should have terminated the pregnancy and killed Draco and Severus before they were reborn. I spent the whole pregnancy only talking to Neville, the twins, and everyone in Slytherin. I'm happy not to be at Hogwarts anymore because the people there are toxic." I say

Before anyone can say anything I hear a cry come from the baby monitor so I walk upstairs to the Nursery and find Severus is awake. I pick him up and check his daiper which is dry so I take him over to the chair and sit down before getting Severus to start nursing. Greg comes up and stands next to me.

"Luna went home and said that she would be back". says Greg

I nod my head and finish nursing Severus before putting him back into his crib. Greg and I head back to bed and fall asleep.


(5 months old)

(November 6th, 1997)

Severus and Draco are 5 months old. The boys are getting so big and I'm not ready for them to get bigger. Greg and I have talked to our pediatrician about introducing solid foods to the boys and she does think it's a good idea for now until the boys are 6 months old that we should only introduce two solid foods to them. Greg and I have chosen to introduce Mashed banana and avocado to the boys first.

Now that Severus is five months old, he has doubled his birth weight which is good because it means that Severus is growing. The main reason why we have chosen to introduce solid foods is because of Severus. When Greg, Remus, and I eat at the table Severus depending on who lap he is sitting on will try to reach out and steal food from the plate and will get super mad when the food is taken away from him, He will calm down a little when I start nursing him but he puts that Severus Snape glare to use. Something Severus loves to do is he will pick up a toy, shake it and make sure that you are looking at him before he will drop the toy, stare at you until you pick up the toy, hand it back to him then he will repeat until he gets bored but the whole time this is going on, Severus will be giggling. It's really cute and funny to watch. Severus also loves tummy time especially when he has toys to play with.

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