Chapter 19

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Harry's Pov

"I love you," Greg whispers, his voice filled with warmth and affection.

"I love you too," I reply, feeling a surge of emotion welling up inside me.

With one final kiss, we snuggle closer together, finding comfort in each other's arms. And as sleep begins to claim us, we drift off into dreams, safe and secure in the knowledge that we are loved and cherished, now and always


(June 5th, 1998)

(Twelve  months old)

Harry's Pov

Holy crap. I have one-year-old twins. Severus and Draco are officially 1 which is so hard to believe I feel like just yesterday I was giving birth to them. I love how far they have come in the last 12 months and I can't wait to see them grow. The only bad thing about them turning one is that we are also officially only four years away from them getting their memories back at five years old. I'm still breastfeeding but I'm getting ready to start weaning them.

At 12 months old, Draco is a bundle of energy and enthusiasm, always eager to explore the world around him. His grey eyes, tinged with hints of blue, sparkle with curiosity as he takes in his surroundings, his gaze alight with wonder at every new discovery. Draco's brown hair, now a bit longer than it was before, frames his face in soft waves, a testament to his growing independence and spirit. His chubby cheeks are adorned with a dimpled smile that lights up the room, filling my heart with joy and warmth. Physically, Draco is thriving. He's taken his first steps and is now toddling around with confidence, his chubby legs carrying him from one adventure to the next. He loves to explore his surroundings, crawling through tunnels, climbing on furniture, and reaching for anything within his grasp. Draco's communication skills are also blossoming. He babbles constantly, experimenting with new sounds and syllables as he tries to mimic the words he hears around him. He's starting to say a few simple words, like "mama" and "dada," and his enthusiasm for learning is contagious. But perhaps the most remarkable thing about Draco at 12 months old is his boundless curiosity and zest for life. He approaches each day with a sense of wonder and excitement, eager to learn and grow with each new experience. As I watch Draco explore the world around him, my heart swells with pride and gratitude. He's a constant source of joy and inspiration in our lives, a reminder of the beauty and magic that surrounds us each and every day.

At 12 months old, Severus is a remarkable little boy, full of personality and curiosity. His light brown eyes, once so small and innocent, now sparkle with intelligence and mischief, giving him an air of quiet determination that belies his tender age. Severus's black hair, no longer thin and greasy like it was in his previous life, now frames his face in soft waves, a testament to his growing strength and vitality. His skin, once pale and sallow, now holds a healthy glow, a reflection of the love and care that surrounds him each day. Physically, Severus is thriving. He's been walking for a few months now, his chubby legs carrying him confidently from one end of the room to the other. He loves to explore his surroundings, reaching out to touch everything within his reach and examining it with a curious gaze. Severus's communication skills are also blossoming. He babbles constantly, experimenting with new sounds and syllables as he tries to make sense of the world around him. He's starting to say a few simple words, like "mama" and "dada," and his eagerness to learn is evident in everything he does. But perhaps the most remarkable thing about Severus at 12 months old is his quiet strength and resilience. Despite the challenges he's faced in his short life, he approaches each day with a sense of determination and grace that never fails to inspire me. As I watch Severus grow and thrive, my heart swells with pride and gratitude. He's a constant reminder of the power of love and resilience, a shining example of the miracles that can happen when we open our hearts to the possibilities that life has to offer.

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