Chapter 8

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"I'm making Steak and Kidney Pudding, who was crying". says Goyle

"Draco, he just wanted some love and attention". I say

Draco lets a noise that sounds like he is agreeing with what I said. I sit down at the table and start playing with Draco's little toes. Draco lets out a squeal and kicks his feet. I hear the monitor go off and put Draco into his swing and head upstairs to get Severus. I come back down and sit down on the couch so that I can see Draco. Before I start feeding Sev, I move Draco onto his tummy on his Slytherin blanket for some tummy time. I start nursing Severus. Greg brought me a plate with the Steak and Kidney Pudding. We eat and Goyle puts the boys to bed while I clean up the kitchen. I head upstairs to mine and Goyle's bedroom to start getting ready for bed. Goyle comes in and changes before climbing into bed and cuddles me. 


( 2 months old)

Harry's Pov 

The goblins were able to get my family dual citizenship which means that we get to stay in America. When Hedwig returned with a letter from Dumbeldore who was not happy. I'm happy that we told no one that we were moving to America besides Riddle and the Malfoys. 

The boys are now two months old and they are starting to get big. Both of the boys have learned that they can smile and every time they see me or Greg, we get a smile which makes me so happy to see Severus smile.  Yesterday was rough because the twins had to get their shots and I hated it. Watching the muggle doctor pock them with needles hurt.  Some of the other developments with the boys are that they are have learned about their hands and fingers. They both have learned how to roll over during tummy time.  We haven't gotten lucky with the boys sleeping through the night yet but they are only eating four times during the night instead of ten times which is a big improvement. 

Riddle has been slowly moving in the British wizarding world. He is trying to get Dumbeldore out of power. We have been keeping in touch with Riddle to find out what he is doing with the Wizarding World. So far the only thing that Riddle and his death eaters have done is take control over their seats and mine which won them the Wizengamont. 

Greg and Me start muggle high school tomorrow. Since we are both sixteen years old, the high school put us in sophomore year which is a good thing because it means that Greg and I have the chance to catch up.  For the past month since we sent our withdrawn from Hogwarts has been sent on catching up on our muggle studies. We got in contact with Remus who is going to watch the boys while we are at school. It does mean that I will have to pump before going to school. I'm hoping that with Remus watching the boys that we can give Severus a better relationship with Remus. 

Right now both of the boys are down for a nap and Greg is out getting everything that we need for tomorrow while I'm waiting for Remus to arrive. This is the first time that Remus will be meeting the twins and I'm hoping it will go well but I can't be for sure. I'm hoping that if it goes well because it means that maybe I can get Remus to leave the British Wizarding World and the Order of the Phoenix to move over here to America where werewolves have the same rights as everyone else. Remus could get a good-paying job and make a living without fearing for his life. I hear the baby monitor go off so I head up to the nursery where I find Severus awake and clutching his penguin. I walk over to Severus's crib and pick him up. I hold Severus close to my chest and just cuddle him. When the doorbell rings I take Severus with me after checking on Draco. Opening the door I see Remus standing there with his hands behind his back. 

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