Chapter 27

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Adeline couldn't stop herself from checking the Gryffindor table every few minutes during breakfast in the morning, before their departure for summer. It was a Saturday, exams were done and classes were over. The halls were filled with giddy students excited for summer and thankful that Umbridge was gone. People ate breakfast outside and played games in the courtyard, careless and free.

The only good thing was that Dumbledore sat in his chair with Umbridge nowhere to be found (she and Harry didn't even get to celebrate that), and the fact that there were papers everywhere with the headline "He Who Must Not Be Named Returns!" But Harry was right. It didn't feel good. There were no winners, and there was no satisfaction with the rest of the school now finally believing him.

Adeline wore a frown as Draco, Pansy and Blaise shoved several packages towards her and Draco, all wrapped in shiny paper. Adeline passed a box back to Draco as well.

"Happy birthday," Blaise said. Adeline gave a small smile back and ripped open the first and smallest box. "We thought you might be needing it soon."

It looked like a normal jewelry box containing a ring or a necklace. Instead, it contained a bracelet. One that was engraved, and said 'Potter Lover'. Adeline rolled her eyes when she realised it was Draco who had given her that. Pansy and Blaise both laughed.

Blaise's present was next, which was a lovely scarf that read 'Harry Potter's Girlfriend' in large letters. Draco and Blaise both high-fived at Adeline's pink face.

Adeline then reached for the third present, which wasn't anything related to Harry, but rather a new scarf she'd been eyeing at a small shop in Hogsmeade, which she was thankful for. But there was something missing. There wasn't a fuzzy feeling she usually got when getting presents, no high, no pure enjoyment. She didn't feel special. And it wasn't that she wasn't, or that her friends did a bad job, it was that she didn't want anything. Not really.

It was the first time in her life that the physical gifts, the materialistic items, didn't bring her any joy whatsoever. She stared at them vacantly, and then back at the Gryffindors.

"You don't like it," Pansy asked.

"No, it's not that at all." Adeline shifted her gaze from Granger, who was quietly eating, an empty spot where Harry should have been next to them. She barely nibbled before turning to Weasley and speaking low in his ear. Adeline wasn't very good at lipreading, but she definitely saw the word "Harry" mouthed. She then stood and grabbed a plate of toast, leaving.

Adeline stood, not even looking at Pansy. "I'll be back."

She followed Hermione out of the corridor and up several staircases until she reached her.

"Granger." She stopped and spun on her heel.


"How is he? Not the fluffy version. Reality."

She herself had dark circles around her eyes. "Not well."

"Can I see him?"

"It's up to him. He won't leave his bed, he always tells us to go away. He won't talk to anyone about anything. He wants to be alone." She paused. "But then again, he always said that on Fridays, when you two hang out. His definition of 'alone' might be different from mine."

"Which means he wants to see me." Adeline grew animated, almost excited. "Please. It's been days. And then I won't see him for months."

She took a deep breath, and they continued up the stairs. Adeline had to keep her distance though whenever anyone walked by. After looking over their shoulders, they arrived at the Fat Lady's portrait.

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