Chapter 33

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"Uncle Remus?"

Remus looked up from nervously staring at the iron oven door. Even after 12 years of using a human oven, he was still terrified it was going to blow at any moment.

"Yeah?" Remus said, looking back at the oven.

"You remember that story you told me a couple years ago?" Pat asked, pushing one of his toys along the table in a bored manner. He was resting his head on his forearm as if he was going fall asleep at any moment but his eyes were bright and awake as ever. "Where Papa and Dada were princes?"

"Vaguely." Remus said. He hoisted himself onto the countertop and crossed his ankles over. "Why?"

"What happened to the dark force?" Pat asked, lifting his head from the table. "You said it wasn't defeated. So what happened to it?"

Remus shook his head a little. "It was just a story, kid."

"Yeah and?" Pat sat up a little taller. "Tell me a story. What happened next?"

Remus sighed. "Pat, the bread-"

"You've got half an hour." Pat interrupted. "Please? I'm bored, tell me a story."

Remus sighed again. "Fine." He looked out of the window - not really seeing it - trying to shape this story in his mind. "Alright." He slapped his leg and stood up, leaning against the counter instead. "Our story starts just after Prince Virgil left his kingdom-"

"Wait!" Pat crowed, jumping off his chair. He ran up the stairs, leaving Remus alone. Remus let out a groan and felt all the strength leave his arms.

Elven mischief, why did Pat have such good memory? And why now?!

"Okay, I'm back!" Pat called, tugging his blanket down the stairs. He lept up onto the table and arranged himself comfortably, wrapping his blanket around himself and hugging Smoke tightly.

Remus raised an eyebrow. "You ready?"

"Mhm." Pat nodded, pushing his glasses up his nose.

"Right." Remus ran a hand through his hair. "Our story starts just after Prince Virgil left his kingdom. The kingdom was unprotected, the people vulnerable. All it took was one lovesick man not thinking straight and the kingdom was infested, under siege. And the dark force very nearly won-"

"How?" Pat interrupted again.

"How what?"

"How did someone being lovesick help the dark force take control of the kingdom?" Pat asked, tilting his head like a curious puppy.

"Because..." Remus trailed off. "Because the man was in love with someone who didn't care for him as much. And he pledged everything to the dark force if they would just return his care. So, they did. But it was too late and the kingdom was taken. The dark force had a way into the kingdom and it took it. That make sense?"

Pat kept his head tilted to the side, turning the explanation over in his mind, deciding if it was believable. Then, he nodded. "Mhm. Go on."

"Thank you." Remus said sarcastically. Pat giggled. "Anyway, the kingdom was nearly fully gone when Prince Virgil returned, this time with Prince Roman and his brother. They defeated the dark force - the details of how are a bit foggy - and banished it back to its domain. Its castle."

"And?" Pat asked, leaning forward, eyes wide.

"And... they thought it was defeated. Dead, even." Remus shook his head, almost in pain. "They really did. But, years later, it made another appearance."

"What happened?"

Remus hesitated. How to make this delicate, unnoticeable... "The dark force threatened that which the princes held dear. It had to be stopped."

"Was it?" Pat asked.

"Yes." Remus said quickly. "But... not without consequence. See, the dark force stole this thing away with a spell- a bewitchment. The spell was a lot stronger than either Prince Roman or Prince Virgil thought and it stayed powerful for many, many years."

"What did they do?" Pat asked. He was practically gaping now, drinking in the story.

"They waited for it to wear off. And, eventually, it did." Remus rubbed his arm. "Eventually." He paused. "Is that a good enough story for you, kid?"

Pat nodded, grinning. "Yep!"

"Great." Remus tried for a carefree smile. It was just fiction, just a fairy-tale. "Go on. Go play."

Sorry for the shorter chapter

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