Chapter 45

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If you ever need me, call for me. Even if I'm a million miles away, I will come to you.

Remus glanced around nervously. He'd crossed the river a couple minutes ago and he fancied he could hear its playfully chattering still.

He wasn't too close to civilisation. Hopefully. And neither Roman nor Virgil had followed him. Again, hopefully.

Well, here goes nothing...

Remus cleared his throat. Elven mischief, he couldn't believe he was going to do this again.


With a crack like thunder, Janus was stood there. His back was to Remus and the cut of his shoulders was almost mournful.

"That's an old spell, Rem."

"I need to talk to you." Remus said, crossing his arms. Janus rolled his shoulders back and stood up straighter.

"I gathered." He pivoted on his heel, eyes steely and expression set. "What do you want?"

Remus let out a small sigh. "What's your plan?" He asked quietly. "What does all this... mean?"

"My plan?" Janus repeated. "Shouldn't you be asking your brother that? Or yourself? This all," he gestured around with a gloved hand, "was your idea. Wasn't it?"

"Because of you." Remus insisted. "Because of what you're planning. Just tell me what you're planning."


Remus didn't have an answer. Janus shook his head and looked away.

"Do yourself a favour, Rem." He said. "Go home." He took a step forward and brushed a stray hair away from Remus' forehead. "And don't call on me again."

Remus closed the door of the cottage to find Pat stood in the middle of the main room, pencil and paper clutched in his hands.

"I've thought about what you said yesterday." He started sombrely. "About the possibility of me liking my friend and I want to get a couple more opinions before I make up my mind."

"Make up your mind?" Remus was almost afraid to ask. "On what?"

"Whether or not to cut out my own heart to avoid feeling." Pat said calmly. "Now," he sat down at the table, "what's your name?"

Remus blinked. "You know my name. You know who I am."

"What's your name?" Pat repeated. Remus rolled his eyes but played along.

"Remus." He said. Pat wrote it down slowly. "Pat, why do you need to do this."

"I don't know. What are your experiences with love, if any?" Pat asked, looking back up at Remus.

"Woah, let's not call it love yet!" Remus said, putting his hands up in surprise. "You've got a crush on this boy, that's all."

"What are your exper-"

"Alright, alright." Remus shook his head and pulled off his shoes. It was going to be a nightmare in the future since he hadn't unlaced them but that was a problem for Future Remus.

"I will tell you this once and you won't tell anyone else, okay?" Remus told Pat, leaning against the counter. Pat nodded and pushed his glasses up his nose. Remus sighed.

"I fell in love once." He said. "They were kind and sweet and lovely to me. Roman didn't like it."


"Reasons." Remus said vaguely. "Anyway, over time, things changed. They weren't who they promise they would be and I ended things with them." He bit the inside of his cheek absently. "Sometimes I regret it but I know it was the right thing to do. For both my sanity and my relationship with Ro. Okay?"

Pat nodded, noting things down quickly.

"This is important, Pat." Remus said. "Things don't always go how you expect them."

"I know." Pat said, glancing up from his note briefly.

"You're sure?" Remus asked. "I need to know you're sure. Because disappointment happens all the time, especially in matters of the heart." He leaned back a little and shrugged. "I don't want you hurt, that's all."

"I'll be fine." Pat said. "Promise." He looked up and smiled. "It's just a boy. Nothing's gonna happen."

Bit of a shorter chapter but hope you like it anyway.

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