2 :) Aminah

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It's been 2 hours since Jen left so the time should be around 11pm. It's a Saturday night, which means party, but for me, it's not. Saturdays and Sundays are my days off, those are the only free days I have, so rather than wasting it on parties, I prefer to relax and catch up on my studies.

I came to Cali after the death of my parents. I was just about to begin high school when they drew their last breath after being involved in an accident. I've lived with my aunt Khadijah and her kids ever since then.

My relatives were all shocked when she went back to Nigeria to take me after my parents death because her husband had just left her then, but she's my mum immediate and closest sibling so they all agreed that she took me in. Not that I'm complaining.

Personally, I don't think any of them would treat me with much love as she does, which is why I try to support her in the little way I can, even though she doesn't approve it.

A knock on the door jolted me out of my thoughts "Hold on, I'm on my way." It's probably our Landlord, Kevin, wanting to give me the cookies he said he left for me. Ever since we moved in here, the man has been bringing different pastries for me and Jen every time. Today, just like always, he told me he was making cookies, but he wasn't able to bring mine when he was done because he stepped out.

Opening the door, I saw the least person I expected "Alex?" He had a small cut on the bridge of his nose and little bruises on his cheeks that don't look fresh. They are probably from a boxing match.

"What are you doing here?" Instead of answering, he entered my dorm, strolling in like he owned the damn place and sat on my bed. "Yeah of course, come in." I said sarcastically, rolling my eyes to the back of my head.

"Nice place you've got here." he looked around, getting comfy on my bed, and going through some of the books I was working on.

"Thanks." I replied dryly, collecting my things curtly from him and placing them on the table. I shared the dorm with Jenny, and albeit it isn't on the large scale, it's big enough to contain my things.

It's a one room apartment with it's own bathroom. Each one of us picked a side to arrange our things because the room had enough space, but while it was too big for a single person, it was just enough for two people.

I paused for a while before asking again "Alex, care to explain what you are doing here?" He only shrugged his shoulders without saying a word.

"Look, you either tell me why you are here or you get the fuck out of my place." I folded my hands under my chest.

"I- I just- I don't know. Please just give me 10 mins, that's all I'm asking for. After that, I promise I'll leave." he said and looked at me. This is the first time I'd see him so fragile, and it feels so strange. Alex is your typical college boy, always having lots of friends surrounding him and always spotting a smirk on his face.

"Are you ok?" I asked carefully and sat on Jenny's bed opposite mine. He shook his head at my question, running his fingers through his hair.

"No, but I will be." he said quietly, and if it wasn't because of how quiet the room was, I doubt I'd have heard him. It remained like that for a while before I decided to break the silence. Asshole or not, he looks like he could really use the distraction.

"How do you know where I stay?" Now that I asked, I'm really curious as to how he knows because I don't recall ever mentioning that to him. I mean, we aren't close to the extent of exchanging address.

"I've known ever since you changed partners for our project." he said and smirked. I guess he's slowly going back to his annoying self.

"What happened to your face?"

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