23 :) Aminah

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I woke up to the sweet and savory smell of pancakes. I slept in today since classes were canceled late last night, apparently our professor had to leave town for an emergency, giving me the whole day to myself till evening before I left for work.

"Is that my favorite chocolate chip peanut butter pancake?" I asked Jen as I strolled into the kitchen, taking a seat at the counter.

"With extra marble syrup, just the way you like it." she said with a wink, whipping me a cup of coffee as she slides it down towards me. I added extra whips of honey and milk, taking the first sip. My taste buds became filled with warmth of the bittersweet taste and I moaned in pleasure.

"These tastes like heaven." I said with a mouthful as I took a bite and she chuckled at me. The pancakes were as fluffy as they could get, not too sweet and chocolatey, and the butter melted into my mouth as I chewed on it.

"Don't you have classes today?" I eyed her as I saw her making omelets.

"Well-" she drawled out and I eyed her suspiciously. "I decided to skip for today." That only made me question her more because Jenny rarely skip classes.

"Why?" I cocked a brow at her as she pushed a plate of two veggie omelets to me. "Are these also for me?" I asked unsure, her act of kindness suddenly feeling like a great deal.

"Yes." she said as she fluttered her lashes at me in an attempt to look cute. I rolled my eyes at before cutting into the omelets.

"What do you want Jenny?" I already knew something was up when I saw her making my favorite this early.

"Well, I was thinking we could go shopping together-" my eyes widened at her words. "-and when we are done, we would go watch the movie you've been wanting to watch" she added quickly and I smirked at her. That's the catch, she knows so well I won't willingly ever go with her.

"Do you really need to shop? What happened to all your clothes?" I asked.

"I'm going on a date." she said with a smile.

"What? When did that happen?!" I asked enthusiastically, almost spilling my coffee over with how quick I moved.

"No can do missy, I'm not telling you anything till we get there." she said with a sinister smile and I raised my hands up in surrender, knowing she caught me.

Jenny stayed true to her words and didn't say anything all while we at home, it wasn't until we got to the mall did she say anything. "I met him two weeks ago while I was rushing to class," she started and I nudged her shoulders playfully. She ignored my antics as she picked out a dress. I shook my head dismissively at it and she put it back, checking for another one.

"More like I bumped into him actually." she rephrased then continued. "I went to get coffee at our regular spot and clumsy me somehow succeeded in dumping my coffee all over him. I was so shocked with how he reacted because the coffee was so hot. He simply waved it off and told me not to panic. I collected his number that day, and we've been talking since then" she picked up some dresses and checked them on her body.

"And now, he invited you out to dinner." I completed for her and she beamed at me. "I thought you were getting along with Nate?" I asked suddenly. The two of them have been hanging out more than usual so I had assume they would get together.

"What, no." she scrunched her nose at me. "We are just friends, nothing more." That's new, It's no surprise Jenny has always had a thing for Nate, so seeing her talk about him like this seems weird.

"So you mean you are over him now?" I asked trying to be subtle but failing terribly.

"Just ask away Minah." she rolled her eyes at me, catching onto my tactics.

"Don't blame me, I thought you guys were already getting close. I mean, that's what you've always wanted." I defended.

"I know right" she said like she's reminiscing. "But that's all in the past. We are just friends now, no strings attached." she continued. "We did hang out a few times, but we connected more on being friends" she revealed.

"So now Lennon is the one in the picture," I wiggled my brows at her and she chuckled at me.

"I don't know about that..yet" she said. "That can be decided only after the date."

"Why didn't you tell me about him all these while?" I whined as she added another dress to the pile on my hand.

"You've been so hooked up lately that I barely see you around." she said with a small voice. "That was why I decided to spend today with you when you told me your class were canceled." I looked at her, shocked at her words. I can't believe she skipped her classes just so we could hang out, that made me feel like an asshole. It's true we've been becoming distant lately and I can't deny I'm the reason for that. In the course of juggling my work and making time for Alex, I might have unintentionally distanced myself Jenny. The few times we get to hangout used to be during the weekends, but even now, I use that to train with Alex.

I've become swifter with my punches, and can go on longer than before while doing my jump rope. Alex has been making sure not to go over the top with the training, he claims he doesn't want me building up unnecessary muscles.

"I mean, I know you also have to spend time with Alex and all, but I feel like I don't see you anymore."

"I'm sorry," I said, cracking my knuckles unconsciously. "I didn't know I was making you feel that way."

"It's fine, you don't have to worry about that." she peeled my hands free from each other and I sighed. Even when I'm the one in the wrong, she's still looking out for me. Jenny is much aware of how I nervously crack my knuckles when I'm tensed and she's been trying to get me to stop that for a while now.

"I promise, I'd make it up to you." I said.

"No silly, you don't need to make anything up to me," she nudged me with her shoulders. "I didn't tell you to make you feel bad, I told you because I miss you, that's all." she stared at me and immediately knew she meant everything she said. Jenny has a way of showing it if she's annoyed with you, and right now, I know she isn't. "You know you are my best bitch" she said with an addictive smile.

"I love you bitch." I said pulling her into a bone crushing hug.

"I love you more." she mumbled against my back. After spending much time than intended at the mall, I later canceled on the movie after assuring Jenny it was okay, it's the least I could do to make up for my past behavior. Jenny decided we use the most of today to do all we had planned to since we now have more time on our hands, and that was just what we did, making the most of today without any worry about tomorrow.

Not edited ***

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