3 :) Aminah

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When I told Jenny about my encounter with Alex, to say she was shocked would be an understatement, and truth be told, it's still amazing me. I haven't seen or heard from him since then, so I don't really know how our conversation is gonna be now. Is it gonna be awkward seeing as we've had a prolonged feud for a while, or is the conversation gonna flow like it did on Saturday?

After attending all my classes for the day, I was about to leave the school when I came across him.

"Hey Minah." he smiled. I guess we're just gonna dive in the conversation head up, no strained feelings of any sort.

"Hi." I smiled. His face is now completely healed, making him look clean just as always. "Hi Nate." I said to the brunet.

"Hello." Nate greeted back and looked at Alex suspiciously. "I thought he was lying when he said you two are good now." He said dubiously.

"Fuck no, I told you I wasn't. We're good now, right Minah?" Alex said and I chuckled at Nate.

"Yeah, we are." Most people in our year knew we don't get along well, but only few knew the reason. Not that I'm ever gonna admit out loud, but it's no easy task attending the same college with someone, and having few classes together, yet having bad blood with the said person.

"Where are you heading to?" Alex asked, suddenly going the same direction as I am.

"Home. I have some assignments that are due tomorrow." I told him.

"Ok. Let me walk you there." he suggested.

"It's fine. There's no need to." I looked at Nate who was smiling at some girls flirtatiously. I wonder if Jenny has a chance with him considering his Casanova behavior.

"Please," he begged. "It's just a harmless friendly walk." he added, looking at me innocently with his grey eyes. His eyes are one of the few things I like about him. Sometimes, it shines so bright, almost glowing, while other times, it looks so gloomy. I guess the hue changes with his mood, or at least that what I think.

"Ok, let's go." I said after a while. It wouldn't be bad to have some company, even if the said company has been a dick up until few nights ago, besides the walk back to my place is just about 25 minutes or thereabout.

"Hey man. I'm off." Alex said to a dumbfounded Nate, and did a quick bro hug with him. "Seriously?" Nate quizzed at him while I bid him goodbye.

"When does your shift start?" He asked as he relieved my shoulders of my bag. I smiled in appreciation of his gesture before I replied.

"Half past four." I checked the time and realized it was almost four. I better make it home in time if I want to get some work done.

"And you still work at the bar?" He said, more like a question than a statement. "Yep." I popped out the 'p'.   

"When do you start at Highlights then, looks like you are gonna have a tight schedule if you work at both places everyday. Or do you shuffle the days?" He asked intrigued. I don't really like talking about my work schedule because most people don't get it and just tell me to quit one for the other so I can live a little. However, what they fail to understand is that I don't really have much of a choice if I want my family to have at least a good life.

"No. I work at both places everyday. My shift at the café is in the afternoon, while Highlights' is at night."

"When do you get a break then. You at least need some time for yourself."

"I don't work weekends so I pretty much use that to do my thing."

"That's better, but you should try taking a break sometimes, yunno, to party and enjoy the whole college experience." he said instead. I half expected him to say I had my head stuck up my ass for no reason.

"I do that sometimes, not just every time." I'm not much of a party goer. While I have no problem getting all dolled up and attending wild parties, I prefer staying indoor instead, stuffing my face with junk foods and just watching a movie.

"I don't believe you. If you attend parties then how is it I've never seen you in any." That's because I try as much as possible not to cross path with you whenever I go. I didn't say that out loud though, I settled for a shrug instead.

"I'm intrigued though, how you manage to keep up with your work and still maintain your scholarship, that's gonna be one hell of a hassle."

"I pretty much just do everything at the appropriate time. I guess." I shrugged. It wasn't until I was done responding before I realized I didn't mentioned to him I'm on scholarship. Hell, no one at college knows, except Jen.

"Hold on a minute, how do you know about the scholarship?" I asked, stopping abruptly, taking him aback. Not that I have a problem with people knowing I'm on scholarship, but it's the unnecessary attention and pressure I don't want.

He rubbed his nape sheepishly and I stared at him. "Alex." I called out.

"I'm sorry. I overheard Jen talking about it to you the other day." he confessed before quickly adding "I promise, I wasn't stalking you or anything. I was just passing by when I heard her talking about a scholarship, but I left once I figured it was a private discussion." I nod at him, carrying on with our walk without saying a word.

"Minah are you mad?" Somehow, he's managed to stick to calling me that and not my full name. Not everyone calls me Minah, only few people does. "Please say something. I swear it wasn't intentional." he added.

"It's fine. I'm not mad." In all honesty, I wasn't vexed, I was just reminded that the scholarship was the only reason I didn't stay a year back at home. After I finished high school, money was tight for my college expenses but as luck would have it, I was awarded a scholarship. I guess my good grades and conducts in high school eventually paid off. My aunt and I had originally decided I stay a year back while she raised the money for my tuition but I guess luck was on my side after all. Serendipity.

"It's fine, I just remembered something that's all." I assured him.

"Okay." We continued walking in a comfortable silence for a while before I broke it. "What's your major?" He turned around as I asked.

"Biology." Now that, was unexpected. I stared at him dubiously before he chuckled and asked "What?"

"That's strange, considering the sport you are involved in." I said.

"What were you expecting?" He asked with a smile, putting his whole attention on me.

"I don't know, but definitely not that. I mean, you are a boxer, which means lots of blood so I probably thought you'd go with something less blood involved."

"Yeah, I get that a lot." he chuckled, running his hand through his hair.

"It's actually the truth." I said and halted as we reached my place. "We are here. Thanks for walking me."

"The pleasure is all mine." he said and handed his phone over to me. "Your phone number." he said simply. As much as I'd have loved to taunt him about it, I had to get in quickly if I wanted to get my assignments done before leaving for my shift.

"Okay." I punched in my number on his phone and he texted me immediately, telling me to also save his own contact. Somehow, someway, I couldn't help but think we might actually have been good friends if he hadn't pulled that stunt the other day.

Not edited ***

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