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Damon and Elena crashed Bonnie's trip to the college in Whitmore. Damon is going to help Elena with her control of blood. Which means I'm stuck with Stefan who's going to be with Klaus today. Since I heard the words unresolved feelings come from his mouth I couldn't sleep. Did I have feelings for him? I had no idea? All I know is that I don't want to have feelings for him.

Me and Stefan go to Klaus'. Stefan made me. I didn't want to.

"Looks like I'll have to beef up the hybrid security detail." Klaus turns around to face us.

"I was going to take him, but I figured you went through such trouble to truss him up in your red room of pain." Stefan replies.

"It's from the inquisition. I thought it was a nice touch."

"What did you get out of him?" Stefan asks and I cross my arms.

"Not enough. He's mum about the council fire and he's not saying anything about this greater evil we're all supposed to be shivering over. What brings you two snooping?"

"Well I made Mads come with me and I can't say it in front of him. As I'm sure you've figure out, our friend here can't be compelled."

"Shall we?" Klaus closes the door, heading into another room.

"So what's with the home invasion?"

"Mads said you knew something about this guy. I should have figured you were up to something when you healed Elena from the werewolf poison without asking for anything in return."

"I was feeling benevolent." Klaus flat out lies.

"You're never benevolent. Who's the five?" I ask.

"So many questions." Klaus smirks knowing he's being... well him.

"It's a good thing me and Mads over her have nothing to do today except get answers out of you."

"Fine Stefan. You might actually be useful in persuading my sister to cooperate. The brotherhood of the five was a group of highly skilled vampire hunters. We crossed paths with them in the 12th century. Italy. My siblings and I had followed the Normans as they conquered the south..."

"...feeding, turning people as we went. But with the bloodshed came exposure."

"So these hunters have been around for 900 years?" Stefan asks.

"Apparently. Well, our friend in the other room is the first I've seen since then. Kind of makes you wonder what they've been up to all these years. And Rebekah fell in love with him. He told her all his secrets. Which I will gladly share with you... provided you do one thing for me."

"And what's that?"

"Get Rebekah over here. She's being stubborn. And hateful. I need to make peace with her. I want her to give me some very important information about the hunter, which she won't do unless she believes we made up."

"And... what's in it for me?" Stefan asks.

"Just get her here and I'll tell you. Oh, and Stefan, and Madeline... trust me when I say this— that hunter in there holds the answer to all your prayers."

"So you get Rebekah, Madeline can stay."

Stefan has been out and I have been sitting on the couch on my phone. I feel a presence behind me, and knowing it's Klaus I stand up and turn around.

"How does this hunter guy have all the answers to my questions?"

"We'll love, he has all the answers to Stefan's questions, but you, he has most, just not one question you've been avoiding since i came strolling to town, or more back, back in Tennessee."

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