Chapter Four

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I laid back against the cold metal of my holding room. I watched as rows and rows of widows marched down the hall passed me. Not a single one of them looked at me. I pulled my knees to my chest and laid my head into my hands.

I knew Dreykov knew. He knew everything. I had tried to hide it for as long as possible, but I knew deep down that he would figure it out sooner rather than later. I just hated that I couldn't hide it longer. As sat there wallowing in worry the glass door to my cell slid open.

"He wants to see you now," the guard said, grabbing me by the wrist and pulling me up. My heart beat faster and faster as the tall, armored man drug me down the familiar hall. Thoughts raced through my head as the large doors pried open and revealed a very angry looking Dreykov. The man released me and pushed me into the room before quickly pulling the doors shut behind me.

I could see Dreykov's cold, dark eyes behind his round glasses staring me down as he walked towards me. I crawled back, my fear for him taking over my whole body.

"I can't believe you," he spat, walking closer and closer to me. Tears stung my eyes as my back hit the wall.

"How long have you known Natasha," he glared at me as he crouched down to my level.

"About th-three months," I stuttered, watching as his expression got angrier. I could feel his hot breath on my face.

"This is unacceptable," he said as he grabbed my leg and pulled me closer to him. I couldn't breathe.

"You know that your procedure is scheduled for next month, don't you?" He asked as he stood, walking towards a bar cart and grabbing an old bottle of brandy.

"Yes sir- but under the circumstances I was hoping you would-" I was cut off by the shatter of glass against the wall. I quickly shut my eyes and pulled my knees in. The amber brown alcohol dribbled down the wall as he turned to face me again.

"You seriously believed that I would allow for this to happen? That I would support it?" His face was starting to turn red as his fists gripped the cart.

"Honestly- I thought you would be happy about it sir," I bluffed, carefully regulating my breathing. He laughed.

"And why is that?" He smiled, grabbing a new glass of a drink I was unaware of. I sat up and fixed my posture.

"Have you ever had one of your widows have a baby before? I mean- this seems like a breakthrough if you ask me. You said that we were chosen for this program based on our biology. After the training, chemical alterations, and mental conditioning that we underwent here, I just thought you would want to see what this could bring to the table." I couldn't breathe, my hands were sweating, and my heart raced. He had to buy it. He had to.

He simply stared at me. With a sigh, he sat down on his sofa.

"That's a very mature observation for being 17," He muttered, taking a long sip of his drink. I nodded. Was this actually working?

"Fine. I'll allow it. But I get complete control of the child the instant it is born, you hear me?" He stared at me through his thick glasses. I gulped and nodded slowly.

"I understand sir," I said at almost a whisper. I knew then and there that there was absolutely no way that I would allow that to happen. He nodded his head and took another long sip of his drink.

"You may go," he said under his breath. I didn't hesitate to run out of the room and slam to door behind me. Out of breath, I sat against the wall and cried silently to myself. What could I possibly do that would allow me to keep Dreykov away from me and my child? I knew that I had to make a plan of some sort and that my time was very limited.

I stood up and slowly walked back to my room. I sat on the bed and stared at the wall, every possible terrible outcome of this situation swarming my mind. I knew deep down that there was no way that I would get out of this without a fight.

But that was a risk that I was more than willing to take.

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