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Are you in love?
How would you know that you're in love?
In what way you fell in love with him/her?

Well, I guess everyone is in love. We can be in love in many ways.

But what if I told you that I was hit by cupid's arrow the moment I saw her dancing gracefully on the stage? I fell in love with her the first moment I saw her. Would you call me gay if I'd say that I believe in love at first sight?

If you do, my white ass doesn't care.

Since I was a teenager, I don't believe that someone will be head over heels in love with someone. How could they? That is shit. Being in love and having a serious romantic relationship with someone is just a pain in the ass.

However, maybe they are right. You can only feel what they've felt if you're on their shoes. Damn, man! I can't believe that I was deeply and madly in love with this stripper. The most embarrassing part was I felt shy and my heart will jump exaggeratedly everytime I saw her around. Before I discover my feelings to her, I thought at first that I was just having an abnormal palpitations. I even went to the doctor to check if I had a heart disease. Silly. I am healthy.

I always went to the bar she's working just to see her. And yeah I admit, my day is complete just by seeing her from afar. I spent millions, I lower my pride just to rent her as my personal stripper.

Hay, Damina! What did you do to me?

Did you put a potion on my drink so that I could be this head over shoes in love with you?

I may sound gay but every seconds I couldn't stop thinking about you. Even night, your ghost always hunt me. My eagerness to own you always hunt me in my dreams.

You can call me pervert or any names but I always dreamt of having sex with her.

And you know what's the funny reaction of the people after they knew that I'm into you?

They said;

"You crazy? She worked in a bar! And you're dating her?"

I don't care whether she's working in a bar or not. I love her. I love her. Period.

"Wake up, Caliste! Wake up from that nightmare! She's nothing! She will only dig your gold!"

I am fully awake. My eyes are clear and I saw her worth more than my wealth. She, herself alone is more than any gold in this world. And she's not a nightmare. She's a very beautiful dream that I couldn't even imagine that she's existing. No, bro. She may be nothing on you guys but she's my everything.

"You're crazy, man. Why her? Lots of men already touched her body. Lots of men saw her body. Find another girl.

I laughed. Why her? Simply. Because I love her and she complete my life. She makes me happy. I laughed more on their second nasty remarks. Yes, many jerks touched her body, but no one even tried to touch her heart. And here I am. I entered her life and she made me live in her chaos world. I am so proud and grateful that I am living with it now. And I don't have plans to leave her world. I am destined in it and I will live with it, forever. What can you see now? I focused only to one woman. And that woman you mocked and ridiculed was the one who pushes me to achieve everything in life.

And you know what's catching part on loving her?

I gave her seeds and she gave me in return a three beautiful angels. I gave her house and she give a peace and warm home. I gave her groceries and she cooked my meal. I gave her money, but she doesn't accept it anymore because all she ask is love, attention, time and respect.

His Personal Stripper (HIS SERIES #1) ✓Where stories live. Discover now