Sadistic Desires

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Okay, so I lost all the written one shots AGAIN. This is the second time. The first time, they got deleted. Now, I lost them. Fuck. For now, enjoy this old thing I wrote

It's like something out of a cliche horror movie. A girl moves into a loft; a beautiful, elegant loft but she doesn't know there's a darkness to that beauty.

Five males she's never seen or met before happen to be her neighbors. Two men per loft. Except the eldest male gets his own for private matters. The three nearest lofts belong to those five men.

Katrina isn't one to believe myths about the supernatural, the other side, or fairy tales about monsters and creatures of any sort.

That was...until she met those five men.




"I guess that's the last of it." Katrina smiles at herself as she brings in her last box. She closes the front door and sets the box down on top of another. She plops down on the couch and let's out a much needed huff.

As Katrina gets up to head into her empty kitchen, she hears a knock upon her door. She quickly goes to open it, hoping it's a friendly neighbor coming over to greet her with a warm welcome.

When she opens the door, she's met with the most mesmerizing set of lavender colored eyes. Lavender? She questioned in her head. She's never seen such a color on a human before. Or on anyone unless they were contacts.

This man was the average height, messy long black hair going down a bit past his ears. His skin was ghost white, and his forearm was covered with tattoos. He wore nothing but dark clothing and what looked like dark makeup around his eyes.

Katrina was left speechless but she quickly went to compose herself.

"Hi! My name is Katrina, are you my neighbor?" She greets with a friendly smile on her rosy cheeked face.

The man leaned against the doorframe and let his hair fall over his forehead as he chuckled, softly. Katrina was a bit confused.

"Hello. My name is Devin. One of your neighbors, indeed. I live with my roommate, Ryan." He says, his soft soothing voice so calming. Katrina felt herself become comfortable talking to him now that he'd introduced himself so nicely.

"It's so nice to meet you, Devin! I would love to meet Ryan as well!" She smiled widely, her eyes gazing into his beautiful lavender orbs.

"I'm afraid Ryan won't be too comfortable around you." Devin says, his voice becoming firm. This took Katrina by surprise.

"But...why?" She questions, obviously hurt by Devin's words.

Devin sighs and moves his raven hair from his eyes. "Your scent is overwhelming, my dear." He says, leaning in and taking a nice long whiff of her.

Katrina jerked backwards, shocked by his action. Devin chuckled and let his hair fall back over his forehead and to his eyes.

"My- my scent? Oh no, do I stink or something?!" She asked, embarrassed.

Devin let a soft laugh of amusement leave his lips. "You're funny, dear Kat. I like you already. But no, it's not that you stink. It's that your scent is...rather intoxicating." Katrina gasped.

"Don't scare the poor girl, Ghost." A deeper voice comes from behind Devin and when Kat turns her attention to the new male, her stomach feels butterflies flutter around like crazy, just like when she first laid eyes on Devin.

The new man behind Devin was taller, his short brown hair slicked back. His skin was pale white as well and the color of his eyes was what really attracted Katrina. They were a different shade of brown. A brown with golden and red tints inside of them. The red really popped out in a frightening and intimidating way. He wore absolutely nothing but black clothing, almost like Devin.

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