The Bartender

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I watch as depressed, angry drunks come in and out of the bar, talking or slurring about what fucked up shit went on in their lives now.

I work at a local bar here in Scranton. Men come in, ask for a drink, talk to me about their troubles and then hours later, I'm stuck talking or trying to reason with a drunk, sobbing man. My job isn't all fun and games but I get a kick out of seeing men suffer over women, money, or sex.

My past wasn't all that great because of those things and it was all because of one guy. A guy I'm glad is stuck in my past and staying there.

I try to help these men as much as I can but some times I just end up dealing with them hitting on me.

"Go home, Trey. I'll call you a cab, honey." I say, reaching across the counter and resting my hand on the black haired guy's shoulder, sobbing out his problems to me.

He picks his head up and slurs.
"No! I wanna stay and talk to you!" He pieced his golden brown eyes on mine.

I smiled, sweetly. "No, baby. Its time you get rest." He sighed and stood, stumbling a little. "Here, call me if you wanna talk. Now, remember I don't give my number to just everybody. I like you as a person, Trey. I wanna see you happy." His eyes glistened under the lights.

I handed him my card and he smiled.
"Thank you, Y/N. Expect a call soon." I nod with a chuckle and watch him wait for a cab outside while I call one for him.

After I see him get in and go, I begin wiping the countertop of the bar and serve shots to guys on the corner. They dont seem sad, just enjoy drinking.

My attention drifts to the door as it swing open, letting a man who looked really upset walk in.

He comes over and takes a seat on the stool in front of me. I stare at him as he slams his fists onto the countertop and growls, lowly. His hazel eyes, showing nothing but anger.

As I examine him, I like what I see. Tall, lean body. Long black hair, drawn eyebrows, hazel eyes, purple and black eyeshadow, tattoos everywhere, snake bites, vertical labret, Misfits tee, skinny jeans and porcelain, pale skin. He resembled a vampire but I loved his appearance.

I put the towel aside and lean over the counter, elbows holding me up. The man gazes into my eyes and says, "Give me the strongest shit you fucking have." I eye him but nod, slowly going to get a bottle.

He waits, impatiently, tapping his fingers rapidly. I place a shot glass before him and he stares down at it.

"These men in here, I see them three to four times a week. I have for the past few months now and...I don't recall ever laying my eyes on you and I'm pretty sure I'd remember a face like yours, porcelain." I smirked, watching him take the glass in his fingers.

He chuckles, quietly. "There's a reason." I raise a drawn eyebrow and wait for him to continue. "I'm straight edge." My eyes widened and I slapped the shot glass from his large tattooed hand.

His eyes went wider than mine and he stared at the shattered pieces on the floor.

"Don't you dare break edge, guy! I'm straight edge myself and I hate seeing someone else break their mark just to 'resolve' some issues." I sighed and sat a cup of water before him. "Drink that and air this out. What's on your mind, guy?" I ask, leaning on my elbows again.

He stares at the water and sighs, heavily, cracking his knuckles that clearly read 'Scranton', 'Lost Boys', and 'Bona Drag'. I admired them.

"Its just the stress." He began. "The stress of going through another cheating relationship. I knew she was doing it, I just didn't wanna believe it. But when I saw it with my own two eyes, I had a reality check. She never cared for me as she made me believe. I was yet, another fool to believe I could be able to find a girl who would love me for me and not my fame. Not because I'm in a fucking band. Its so fucking hard to deal with girls these days. I might as well give up and fucking or some shit. Fuck girls and their cheating ways." With one final slam of his fists to the counter, he let out an angry growl.

I sighed and reach to pull his chin up, facing me. His skin was smooth and soft.

"Don't turn to alcohol for your problems. Its never a good ending, plus, I'm positive that there is a girl out there who is dying to be with you and would possibly make you happy. Happier than that bitch who broke your precious heart. Don't worry, sweetheart. You will fine her. She's out there somewhere,my darling." I smiled, sweetly at him.

His eyes brightened and a soft smile broke on his lips. "I think I may have just found her." He mumbled, quietly.

I raised an eyebrow and asked, "excuse me?" I questioned, slightly confused.

He stiffened and shook his head. "Forget it. I was thinking out loud." He chuckled, nervously.

"Its fine, I do that too." I chuckled. He nodded and scratched the back of his tattooed neck.

"Uh, I'm Chris." He said with a slight smile.

I returned the smile with my introduction.
"I'm Y/N. Pleasure meeting you, Chris." He nodded.

"You too. And, Y/N? Thank you for not allowing me to drink. I need someone like you to stop me from committing a stupid ass mistake every time something doesn't go right." I smiled, sweetly, caressing his pale face.

"You're very welcome. I'm always happy to help a stranger when they need me." He raised a perfect eyebrow.

"But we're no strangers anymore. How about we get to know each other on a more personal level." That sounds intriguing. To get to know this piece of gorgeous flesh would be a delight.

"Sure!" I smiled bright.

A grin stretched across Chris's face.
"Great, when are you free?" He asked.

"I get off at midnight and I'm off tomorrow." I said.

He smirked, "Sound good. Alright, well let me get your number and we can hook up tomorrow." I raised an eyebrow in confusion.

He must have noticed because he said, "I meant hook up in a 'hang out' kind of way. I didn't mean actually 'hook up'. Unless you want to..." he muttered, smirking. 

I giggled and shook my head.
"You're funny, Chris. I like you." He.grinned.

"I like you too." He said, standing up from the stool.

"Here's my card which contains name, number, and address. Call me." He took it, brushing my hand, softly. With a nod, he smiles, sweetly and slides it into his back pocket.

"I will. And if I don't, I'll come get you at your place." I nod and smile, feeling a slight blush on my cheeks.

Chris goes to grab the cup of water, chugs it down and winks, placing the empty cup before me.

I wave at him as he begins making his way out the door. Suddenly, he stops and turns on his heels, walking back over.

I question his action. He goes and reaches over the counter, cups my face and kisses my cheek before letting go and walking out.

I stood there, blushing at the fact his pale, pierced lips touched my cheek so softly. I felt a shock run through my body at that moment. What has this stranger done to me?

That was the first one! Tell me your thoughts on it in the comments.

The next one will be up soon...

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