The Strange And Unusual

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(This was requested by my sister. Abigail, this is for you. You better like it!)

"Chris, please don't make me go. I can't face him after what I did." I yank my arm away from his large hand as it gripped it with force.

He sighs in frustration. "Abby, it's been months, he's forgiven you already. We've spoken about you and he's over it." I roll my eyes and head up to my room.

I hear heavy foot steps follow. Dammit, Chris! Leave me alone!

"Its my first time going to his oddity shop and I really wanna look around." He said, closing the door behind him.

I fall back onto my bed and groan. "But, it's gonna be weird. I kissed Ben right in front of him and I didn't even know it until he tackled him." I cringe at the memory.

You see, Asking Alexandria had a Break Down The Walls Tour a while back and on the date that Motionless played with them, I joined. Joshua was my boyfriend. Anyways, I made good friends with Danny, Ben, Sam, Cam and James. Ben in particular didn't stay away from me all night. I was attracted to him so...I kissed him. Before anything went farther, Josh tackled Ben down, pushing me in the process. It was the first time he'd ever been aggressive towards me. He broke up with me after that.

Now, Chris thinks it's a good idea if I go with him to Joshua's oddity shop? No thank you, I'm good.

Chris stood at the foot of the bed and walked in between my legs, seeing as they were hanging off my bed.

He leaned down to my level and hovered over me, holding himself up by his palms. "I will literally bite you if you don't get your ass up and get in my car." He growled, inches away from my face.

I scoff and push him away. "I'm gonna nap, go away." He smacked his pierced pale lips and grabbed my ankles, harshly.

I yelped once he yanked me off my bed making me fall onto the floor, face first. Ow.

He stood laughing and sighed.

"I don't think you'll be laughing like that when I cut off your little dick at night." He quieted down and glared at me.

"You know damn well it's not little. I've showed you before." I rolled my eyes and shooed him away as I stood on my feet.

He grabbed me and tossed me over his shoulder, walking us down the stairs and out to his car.

I yelled and hit his ass with my hand multiple times. All he did was chuckle.

Once we were in the car, he drove us to The Strange And Unusual. I was nervous.

When we arrived, I refused to get out. Chris forced me out. There's no fighting him.

"Chris!" A woman, about in her mid 20s greeted Chris. She had long brown hair, she was covered in tattoos, had long legs, a black dress with heels on.

"Oh, hey Ryan." He quickly looked at me, worried. What am I missing?

"Hi!" She greeted me as well.

I waved and looked at Chris.

"Where's Josh?" He asked her.

"Um, babe?! Chris and your friend are here!" Did she just call him babe?

No wonder he's forgiven me. He found himself a new girl.

Chris sighed and I froze looking at Josh run in from the back. His eyes widened when they saw me.

"Guys! Glad you're here! Ryan, you know Chris. And this is Abigail, a friend from home...who just so happens to be my ex." He chuckled, introducing me to Ryan...his girlfriend.

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