Part 2 of My Sick And Twisted Fuck

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(This one might had spelling problems because who likes proofreading? Not me. Just comment, tell me what I could've done to make this better.)

"Goodnight, Cervena. Sleep well, darling." Mother calls from outside my bedroom door.

"You too, mom. Sleep tight, don't let the vampires bite." I joke, giggling to myself.

I hear a laugh from the other side of the door then faint footsteps retrieve. The door to her room closes and I lay back in bed, playing HIM out loud but low enough not to cause disruption. I close my eyes and let my mind roam around Christopher.

He was fairly attractive, slim, tall, seductive, and everything that pulls me towards a guy. When I looked at him, I felt myself gravitate towards him in a way I shouldn't. Soon, he'll be related to me in a way and everything we do will be highly inappropriate.

I can't say I don't like doing wrong here and there, but this is past wrong. Its almost forbidden. Chris is my soon-to-be step brother. Which makes it even more weird that he wants me in a sexual way. I can't help but want him back. If you were in my place, wouldn't you want the same?

My phone begins to vibrate, pulling me away from my thoughts. Just what I expected, Christopher texted.

Chris- What are you up to?
Cervena- Just in my bed, listening to music, thinking...
Chris- Thinking about me?
Cervena- Don't you get cocky with me. I was thinking about random shit that didn't involve you.
Chris- Fair enough. Anyways, I hope you're not too sleepy. I'm ready to come get you.
Cervena- Is your father up? I don't want anyone to suspect or catch us. Remember this is a one time thing.
Chris- How could I forget, you kept reminding me earlier at dinner. And yes, my dad is asleep and so is Steph. I will a sneak out from my window, drive to your place, pick you up then take you to the place where all the magic will happen ;)
Cervena- Magic? Whatever, let's just make this quick, alright? I got to get up early tomorrow.
Chris- It's only 1:35 in the morning, I'll be there before 2:00.

I decide not to respond and just wait for him. To make time fly, I get dressed differently. I put on a black tank top, a black skirt with garters and a pair of black flats. I let my black hair out of its low pony and let it flow down my back. I don't put on any makeup besides eyeshadow and my brows. I'm ready...

When I check the time, it says 1:55, Christopher should be here about now. An incoming text flashes and I open it.

Chris- I'm here, just two houses down. Walk over to the green house, I'm parked by their curb. Hurry, I want to do this already.
Cervena- Don't rush me, Cerulli. I'm going!

I slip my phone in my pocket and sneak out my window. I carefully climb down and hit the grass below. I quickly make my way two houses down to the black car parked by the curb. Chris waits for me with a smirk that says he's ready for anything.

I roll my eyes as I get in and we drive off. He takes his eyes off the road for a second and looks at me.

"You look hot. You know you're just making the situation between us bigger than it already is." He says, reaching one hand over and placing it on my leg while the other steers.

I stiffened at his touch and sighed, feeling his large hand rub my leg up and down, squeezing my thigh. I peek over and see he's biting his pale pierced lip. It's kind of really sexy.

"Where are we going, Chris?" I ask, quietly. He looks back at the road but keeps his hand where it was.

"I kind of arranged something with a friend. We are driving out to his new apartment while he does me the favor of staying with his girl for the night, leaving us alone at his place."

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