*Crafts Belt*

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High School oneshot- Mr. Philza- Phil is still Wilbur, Techno and Tommy's dad sooo. and Wilbur likes to prank ig. dont judge this I thought of it in math class ;-;

Wilbur POV

I walked to class with my twin brother Techno. Our dad is a teacher, and told us he would be working at a new school, but didn't tell us what school. Mr. Mayberry (if you know, you know) stood at the front of the class writing on the whiteboard. 


I sat in the back of class, next to my boyfriend Quackity, my brother Techno, and my best friend Nikki. me and Q were passing notes like usual, until Mrs. Mayberry called everyone's attention to the board. "class, today is my last day of teaching here at *blah blah blah* high school. So I will be intruducing your new teacher from now on!" she said happily as someone walked into the room. it was my Dad.

me and Techno looked at each other with the 'oh shit' look on our faces. after the 'hello i am' and the 'thanks for this blah blah blah' bullshit, Mrs. Mayberry left to let Dad teach. 

he left to get something, so when no one was looking I went up to his desk and stole his phone. Q laughed quietly with me along with Nikki and Techno. when he came back, someone called him. he walked over to me, and stared at me with pure anger in his eyes. "Wilbur... Give me my phone" He said clearly mad. everyone looked scared, being that he was fucking pissed. 

"......no." I said picking up the call and put it on speaker. "Hey Phil-" I heard Mum say. Everyone was so pale lmao. "Hi Mom" I answered. "Wilbur?!" she said suprised. "Wilbur Soot give me my phone" Phil said as I kept my grip. "Bye Mum gotta go" I said hanging up the phone and standing on my chair. "Wilbur Soot Minecraft. please don't- just hand it over" he said as I raised my hand so he couldn't get it. Techno looked petrified knowing that he would beat my ass later. oh well idfc. "what are you gonna do? Call my Dad? woops! I forgot, that's you!" I said laughing until I dropped the phone by accident and it smashed on the ground. OK, NOW I'm scared. "Wilbur Soot Minecraft!" Dad yelled. 

"Dad, Sorry hehe" I said getting down from the chair showing my fear. "class dismissed" Dad said as everyone rushed out. I followed them, but Dad grabbed the back of my shirt "you stay" He said holding me back from everyone. once everyone was gone, he closed the door and turned to face me. "Wilbur Soot Minecraft what in hell made you think you can do that!?" He said walking over to me. "sorry, I- I'll buy you a new one-" "Wilbur, its not about the phone. "listen Wilbur, I don't give a fuck if you think me being your teacher affects they way you think about me in any way, but I am still your dad. I'll play nice for now, but when we get home you will be punished. Now go clean up that mess." he said pointing to the smashed phone. 

I cleaned it up and went outside.

listen i have no motivation, so ya get this

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