something i wrote in math class :D

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Alright y'all I was feelin' pretty ballsy today and wrote fanfic in math class so here's what i wrote in my book and typed up into here :D

Quackity sat alone in the room he shared with his significant other - an oddly tall man whose name is Wilbur Soot - as he waited for him to arrive home. He was told by the taller man that he was leaving to make it to a business meeting with Jack, Nikki, Sam and Tina.

Three hours had passed....


Then another....

He waited for his Lover but to no avail. Wilbur wasn't coming home tonight - or at least for a while longer. Quackity tried calling him, but he didn't answer any of them. Quackity made a decision...

He was done..

Done with Wilbur...

Quackity has opened up to him more than he has anyone else. Wilbur knows what goes on inside his mind - all of the twisted memories of his ex's, and all of the shit he goes through. He trusted WIlbur basicly with his life at this point.

But he wasn't sure if he could be trusted anymore.

Hell, if he couldn't even trust Wilbur with showing up on time - could he trust him with anything?

Fuck it.

Quackity has been through too much shit to care at this point.

With Schlatt he was rarely even home for the most part. It was never really a surprise to know where Schlatt was - he was almost always drinking or cheating.

Karl and Sapnap build a country behind Quackity's back - and spend most of their time in Kinoko Kingdom instead of with their fiance. That wasn't even the worst part. Karl didn't even remember who he was - at this point, Quackity didn't care about Kinoko Kingdom anymore, he just wanted his boyfriends back. However at this time he was over Karl and Sapnap.

Quackity tried calling one more time, and surprisingly he answered. It wasnt what Quackity expected, but at least he picked up.

"Wilbur! Why aren't you answering all of my other calls!? Where the hell were you- you were gone for six hours!!"

Quackity said, clearly frustrated. Wilbur didn't respond for a minute.

"I'm sorry Quack, we had an argument and shit got pretty violent"

Wilbur said. He laughed a little at the end - which left the shorter man in a daze of confusion. 'What did Wilbur do this time?' Quackity thought to himself.

"Well are you okay?"

"Yea, yea I'm fine. But i did blow up some of the remains of L'Manburg for fun with them and now police are guardian the border, so probably expect a call from them or something"

"God damnit Wilbur you always get yourself into shit when i'm not around"

Said Quackity, laughing a bit to himself. Wilbur also laughed at the shorter man's remark.

"I should probably go to wait for the police call - how do you ALWAYS get into trouble"

"Because I'm a t e r r o s t apparently"

"Bye I love youuu"

Quackity said, being his usual silly and chaotic self.

"Bye, love you too"

With that, they both hung up. Quackity was still upset, but not too completely mad at him. Wilbur often meant well with his random explosions - it sounds weird to say but it's the truth. He just likes to blow off steam by blowing up some of the remains. L'Manburg brings back horrid memories of his past relationship - with a fish lady (??) named Sally. They were the perfect couple outside of their home, but when the doors closed she would turn and attack Wilbur - and sometimes deprive their child of food. Whenever Fundy asks about his mother, Wilbur calmly says, "if you don't remember i don't need to tell you." Fundy gets mildly infuriated when he says this, but everyone who knew about what happened knew that Fundy would hate to know what his Mother did to the man who raised him - maybe he wasn't the best parent, but at least he was there and supportive of having a trans son.

Soon afterwards, Quackity got a call from the Las Navadas Police Force - like Wilbur said.

"Hello, is this QUackity?"


"Hi I'm Celeine from the Police Force, and I have been asked to tell you that we have found the local terrorist. Would you like anything specific to him?"

"Yea sure, umm. Can you bring him to ****? I'd like to have a word with him"

"Yes sir"

With that the call ended. The address was Quackity's workplace, so he started to head there. It was only a 5 minute drive, so he could wait there for him.

**when he was at the workplace**

Quackity waited in his office, sitting in his chair and doing some leftover paperwork he forgot he had.

After 15 minutes 4 people came through the door. A police officer who opened the door, Wilbur, was struggling to break free from the other two police members who were holding his hands behind his back.

After a few seconds of fighting, Wilbur looked up and smiled.

"Hello darling"

He said. It shocked the other police, but once they saw Quackity's expression they connected the dots.

"Hello WIlbur. Next time tell me when you're gonna blow something up and not be home when you say you will"

The shorter man said, shooing the police away.

"Yea, yea, yea"

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