babysitter :]

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hey hey hey, look what I found! it's motivation :D


They are in highschool and Sally was a biatch and left Wilbur with a 3 month old kid, and Wilbur and Q are a couple because this is a tntduo book- i mean because it's cute. enjoy the crap :D

TW: none :]

Quackity POV

I walked home from school like any other day. I started playing on my phone and Wilbur called me. "Hi Will" I said putting the phone up to my ear. "hey, I'm really sorry, but can you watch Faith? I have to work an extra shift tonight" he said. "yes of course, I'm actually passing your street right now. how long do I need to watch her?" "until around 10. sorry it's short notice" he laughed a little, and hung up the phone after saying bye.


I knocked on the door and Phil opened it. He asked why I was here, because Will was still at work. I told him I'm watching Faith until 10. Techno handed her to me and I made my way back home. Me and Wilbur don't live far from each other, so it only took about 10 minutes to get back home.


I sat on the couch with Faith and put some weird cartoons on. "¿quién es ese?" my mom asked, walking behind the couch. "hijo de Wilbur" I replied. "Me pidió que la cuidara durante unas horas" she shrugged her shoulders and walked into the kitchen.

"¡Quacidad! ¡Quacidad! ¡Mira lo que Alice y yo aprendimos!" Said my little brother Liam running down the stairs with my little sister Alice. "¿Qué es?" I said holding Faith while she sat on my knee facing me. "¡ven al patio!" Alice said, jumping up and down. "ahora mismo no puedo, lo siento" I said looking at Liam and Alice, then looking back at Faith who was confused by spanish. She just stared at me with her head slightly tilted and staring blankly at me.


It was dark out, and Faith was asleep. I was still sitting on the couch, and Wilbur would be here in an hour or so. I fell asleep holding Faith in my arms.

Wilbur POV

After my last shift of the day, I drove to Quackity's house. His Mom let me in and I saw him sitting on the couch asleep with Faith. 'Cuuuute' I thought to myself while walking up to them. "Hey Q wake up" I said, slightly shaking his arm. He woke up and smiled at me. He sat up and handed Faith to me. "Thanks for watching her babe" I said as he got up, still clearly tired. "No problem," he said. "Hey, do you want to stay over at my place for the night?" I asked, trying not to wake up Faith. "Yea sure let me ask my Mom" he said as he walked into the kitchen and asked. He came back and smiled. "I can come over, I'll be right back" he said as he went to get his stuff. We drove home, and once we got back he fell asleep almost immediately.

Ok, I think this is the only story I'm proud of-

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