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(Idk what this is ok, my motivation is lower than my will to live so bear with me at this point, also these events are a big fat mashup of the lore, and my AU. basicly Fundy pretended to hate Wilbur because of the L'Manberg situation. also, when Wilbur died Fundy was still fem-presenting, but is still transgender)

Quackity POV

It's been almost 14 years since Wilbur's been gone. yes he was a maniac, and yes there is Ghostbur, but I miss Wilbur's closer sense to reality. All Ghostbur remembers are the good things in life, and yes the fact he remembers me is nice, but I always have to remind him of certain things that I wished he just remembered like Wilbur.

Every year on the day he lost his last life I go and visit his grave with Ghostbur. I just sit there sometimes barely talking to him. After about 45 minutes of sitting there with him I got a call. I answered it, you know being the polite hooman I am. It was Nikki. She normally comes to the grave-site with me and Ghostbur. "Quackity I got the best news!!!" She said happily. "What is it!?" I asked, being calm yet excited at the same time. "Wilbur's been revived! I'm on my way to the site we're gonna meet him at the park!" I was speechless. Wilby's been gone for 13-and-a-half years and now he's back! But I was gonna miss Ghostbur a little, he was always happy, which brightened my mood a lot. Wilbur was good at cheering me up too, but Ghostbur was good company.

We saw Nikki and when I looked at Ghostbur, he was fading. I waited for him to fully fade, and left with Nikki. The park wasn't far, so it wasn't a long drive there. We saw Wilbur standing there, with stitches all over his skin. When she stopped the car I raced out to Wilbur. I hugged him and started crying a little. "Wilbur! I missed you so much!!" I said looking up at him. "I missed you too, hell's not fun :(" he said joking around. I laughed a little, and called Tubbo and Fundy. "Hey boys I have a surprise go to the park on ****" I said. They both said they'd be there in like 5 minutes, so we all sat down under a tree. After a bit, they showed up. Wilbur and I stood up and they ran towards Wilbur. "DAD!!!!" Fundy said running to Wilbur. "Hi Faith! I love what you did with your hair" He said, playing with Fundy's hair. "Dad, I'm trans!" Fundy said, laughing a little. "Ok, what'd you want me to call you?" he asked. "Fundy" Fundy said.

Later we all sat on the couch and watched 'Hello My Name Is Earl'.

TNTDuo Oneshots :>Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat