Family <3

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Wilbur wandered the outskirts of Las Nevadas. He was looking for a more casual way in - rather than his usual "blow up some of Quackity's restaurant and go from there". He found the entrance to the large empire, and casually walked in.

He passed by most of the city, wandering clueless to find Quackity's office. Once he found it, he entered slyly - only to find the son he accidentally traumatised. He wanted to make up for the lost time with his son, but with how his upbringing was, Fundy wanted nothing to do with him.

"What do you want, Wilbur. You aren't supposed to be here"

"Fundy, that's no way to talk to your father is it?"

"Shut the fuck up. Get out of here you are not wanted"

"Fundy, come on. I'm the one who raised you, you wouldn't even be in this position of power that you are without my help!"

"Fuck off!"

"Be glad you weren't raised by your mother"

"What was so bad about her?! Why did you leave!?"

"Because she was a bitch"

"That's not a good reason"

"By 'bitch' I really mean she was transphobic, abusive and a cheeter. Take your pick of who you think is a better parent because if i stayed you would have been dead by the time you were 10"


While Fundy was in a confused/mad daze, Wilbur took this time to make his way in. Fundy was only the guardian of Quackity's office, so he didn't really need to bypass any other guards. Wilbur quietly walked over to Quackity's desk - knowing if he made even the slighted sound his plan would be ruined. He put his hands in front of Quackity and leaned towards the desk.

He cleared his throat to get the shorter man's attention. In response, Quackity looked up - he was calm at first, but when he saw his lover a clear look of frustration spread along his face.

"Wilbur?!! What the fuck are you doing here?! Did you manipulate Fundy!?!"

"I didn't try, I just told him about his mother and he zoned out - so I walked in. not manipulation"

"Wilbur you can't just do that - no wonder he hates you!"

Quackity said, standing up and pacing around the office. Just then, Fundy bursted through the office doors, holding a sword for defence - something Quackity had taught him to do. Quackity acted as another parent to Fundy, and often let him stay at Quackity's house because Fundy doesn't have enough money for even a crappy apartment.

Fundy ran over to Wilbur, pushed him against a wall and pressed the sword against his neck. Wilbur froze for a moment, and realised what stress he put on his son - he was only 15 when he had to go to war, he emotionally manipulated him, and gave him a place to call home, then blew it up. Wilbur realised he did all of these things and more to his poor son.

This was one of the few times in life Wilbur felt regret for hurting someone.

After a few seconds, Quackity intervened and pulled Fundy away. Quackity asked if Wilbur was okay, checking to see if his neck got cut by accident. When Quckity knew he was fine, he stepped away and asked if they both left. They both walked out the door, and Fundy continued to question him.

"Wilbur, why did you come here? You only ever make things worse"

The boy said, putting his sword in its holder. Wilbur took this time to apologise - something he didn't know how to do from lack of experience.

"listen , Fundy, I've never really been one to be sorry for things I've done-"

"No shit"

"But I'm really sorry about what happened when you were younger. I wasn't honestly taught right from wrong because I never did wrong. I was the golden child and never got the chance to learn from my mistakes. But trust me Fundy, you make me proud every day- you're so strong and Kind and I couldn't have asked for a better son - I'm sorry I wasn't the best dad and I wish that you'll believe me because I want you to be back in my life"

Wilbur said. He put his hands on Fundy's shoulders and frantically apologised for all the things he did. Fundy stared at his father, this was a moment he wasn't used to - he'd never seen his father as someone who could feel guilt.


Fundy said. He was in a daze of confusion, his father - who was a clear psychopath - was apologising for something that happened years ago.

He snapped out of his confusion and hugged Wilbur.

Wilbur was shocked at the sudden contact, but soon melted into the hug.

This was what Wilbur wanted - a somewhat functional family, even if one is a psychopath and the other has more trauma than anyone bargained for.

The hug lasted a few seconds, but Wilbur wished it lasted forever. His son never really hugged him, even before the whole L'manburg ordeal. To have him wanting a hug from Wilbur was new and made Wilbur happy.

"Okay I like to see you two are finally getting along, but get the fuck out I have work to do"

Said Quackity while walking outside of his office.

"Wilbur, I love you, but get the hell out of my country"

Quackity said, pushing both men outside and giving Wilbur a kiss on the cheek. Fundy was once again confused.

"Okay what the fuck is going on?"

Fundy said with clear confusion. He motioned his arms to point at both Quackity and Wilbur. Quackity laughed a bit, and then gave Fundy his answer.

"Fundy I've been banging your dad for the past 2 years i'm surprised you haven't found out since now"

Fundy frantically switched looking between his father - whose face was deep red from embarrassment - and Quackity who was laughing.

"I knew you were gay, but DAD!?!"

"Yeaaa sorry for short notice bye"

And with that Quackity shut the door. Wilbur started to laugh and Fundy got more confused.

Weeks had passed and Wilbur would often come to see Fundy at Quackity's house. Wilbur had a surprise for Fundy, and Quackity was a part of the 'small' surprise.

Read next chapter to find out what the surprise isss

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