Chapter Six Casey Waters' POV

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Hearing those words, that she had accepted me as her mate, filled me with so much joy. My wolf howled with pride and joy and I rejoiced with her, thanking Artemis as I leaned down and kissed her. She would be mine and I would be hers. Just as I claimed her lips in a fevered passion my front door opened. I pulled away from Morgan and looked towards the person standing in my doorway. "Drew? What are you doing here?" I asked. "Um I came to check on your guest, but I see that you two are busy... should I come back later?" she asked grinning at me.

"No that's okay, come in," I told her as I got off Morgan and approached Drew. "It's good to see you, my friend. She is all yours." I said shaking Drew's hand. "How are you doing?" She asked Morgan when she reached her. I watched as Morgan sat up, her eyes flicking from me to Drew. "Drew is our pack healer, she patched you up after the crash," I explained to her. "Oh, well thank Artemis that you were here," Morgan said smiling at Drew.

"Yes, thank the goddess indeed. How are you doing Miss? Any severe pain anywhere?" "No everything is almost back to normal." "Okay, that's a good sign. Do you mind if we go to the infirmary so that I can do a checkup?" "Sure okay," Morgan said getting up. I watched as the two of them made their way down the hall. I sighed, already missing her. I felt like I could not control my emotions and I wondered if that was because we have not bonded yet. The bonding is where both mates mark each other, claiming the other as theirs and theirs alone. the bonding is an acceptance of each other. Markings from the bonding are unique to each mated pair.

My wolf was eager to mate with Morgan. I understood her impatience. I knew that I did not want to live another moment without her by my side. But I wanted to bond when she was ready to fully accept us. Wolves pull us together but there will always be the free will to choose who to accept or reject. If a wolf finds their mate and is rejected by them then that is it, we do not get a second chance.

It is a lonely life. Unmated wolves that have been rejected by their mate often die from a broken heart with no wolf. Our wolf will die out because of the insanity of having a mate but never being able to be with them. Horror stories were told around a campfire about rejected wolves and how you could hear them crying out when the full moon is out. I did not want that life and I knew Morgan did not want that either. We were made for each other.

I was lost in a downward spiral of what if's when Morgan walked down the corridor. I had not even realized that she was in front of me until I felt her hand against my cheek. The sudden contact snapped me out of my dark thoughts. I looked at her captivated by her beauty. Her striking electric blue eyes took my breath away. Long, dark almost black hair framed her face perfectly. She was slender and an inch shorter than me with flawless tan skin. Everything about her was stunning.

"Are you okay?" She asked softly, concern darkening her eyes. "I am now that you are here," I said honestly, smiling softly. I cupped her cheek and kissed her forehead. "Casey?" Drew called. "Yes Drew? Is everything okay?" "Yes. I will advise another day or two of light activities, nothing strenuous on the body. She isn't fully healed yet and I don't want to slow down the progress we have made." Drew said. She shook my hand and made for the door. "I will come by tomorrow after lunch to do another checkup." She informed. "Okay. Thank you." I said sincerely as I held the door open for her, closing it when she walked out.

I turned to face Morgan, "Would you like a tour?" I asked her. "I would love that." She replied. I grabbed my hunting jacket and a winter coat off the back of one of the three chairs that were pushed in by the breakfast nook, handing one to Morgan before putting my own on. I opened the door, waiting for Morgan to walk out before following her, letting the door click closed behind us.

It was beautiful even to me. From where we stood on my porch you could see everything, from the surrounding cabins to the woods and beyond that to the cliff's edge where, even from here, you could hear the waves crashing against the jagged rocks far below. I looked over at Morgan and smiled. I watched in silence as she took in all the simple beauty.

"It's all so beautiful." She said looking at me. "Yeah, it is," I replied but I was not referring to my home as I said it. She blushed and I knew that she realized who I was talking about. "on the left is my parent's cabin, at the head of the pack rightfully so. And on the right of us is Jackson's cabin. Jess and Benji's cabins are on the right of his." I started.

I walked down the three steps and held out my hand, overjoyed when she grasped it softly. We made our way past my brother's and best friend's cabins hand in hand. I pointed out all the important places like the mess hall and council buildings situated in the middle of the pack circle where everyone eats together at dinner or on important days. I took her past the clinic and the training and strategy buildings until we had come full circle, stopping when we had reached my cabin.

"My alpha ceremony is in a few days after the hunt. It will be the 5th hunter's moon since my birth when I turn 25." I told her. "Are you excited?" "Extremely but I am a bit nervous about it all. There is just so much riding on me and I don't want to mess it all up." I confided. "Don't be, you will do great and you will not only make your parents proud but the entire pack as well." She said confidently.

I smiled at her comment and the reassurance in her voice that calmed me. I sat down on the steps that lead up to my cabin. I held out my hand for Morgan to join me, she grabbed it as if it were second nature to her now. We stayed like that for a couple of hours, hand in hand talking about anything and everything. It certainly was beautiful for her but Morgan made everything perfect even if it was just for a moment. 

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