Chapter 14 Morgan Bane's POV

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We ate in silence, both of us too hungry to talk. Once we were done Casey took our dishes to the kitchen and started cleaning up while I made us coffee. We had settled into an easy routine that suited both of us, it was extremely comfortable between us. Once everything was clean and tidy we migrated to the lounge, taking our usual spots on the long couch that directly faced the fireplace. "We should get supplies from town before we leave. I was thinking about asking Benji, Jess, and Drew to come with. What do you think?" Casey asked me, taking a sip of her coffee.

"I think that is a great idea. Safety in numbers." I agreed with her. "Exactly and they can help with getting your brother out of that pack." She said. "I hear that Jess is very skilled in combat and that Benji is an excellent battle strategist," I commented. "That is true. They are both skilled in their respective fields." I watched as Casey took another sip of her coffee. I had finished mine long ago. "I will ask them to join us then we can take my car down to town and get the supplies we will need," Casey said draining her coffee.

I stood up, taking our empty mugs with me to the kitchen. "I will start getting everything ready and pack stuff that we will need that we already have," I said to her. "Okay." She said grabbing her jacket and opening the front door. "I will be back in an hour or so. I love you." Casey said. "okay, I love you too babe." I replied as she walked out the door, closing it gently behind her. I quickly washed the mugs and set them aside to dry before making my way to the bedroom.

I opened the double-doored wardrobe and grabbed two duffle bags, placing them on the bed. I packed both of our toiletries into one of the bags and left the other for our clothes. I walked back and forth around the house looking for things that we had that we would need for the long trip. And before I knew it an hour had passed. I heard the front door open and Casey and Benji walked in. I made my way out of the bedroom, and down the passage towards Casey and Benji. "Hey Benji, how are you?" I asked. "Hey, Luna. I am as good as can be. How are you doing?" "Oh boy, it is going to take some time to get used to being called Luna." I laughed. "Cass said the same thing," Benji said smiling fondly at me.

I watched as Casey put the last bag down before walking over to where I stood and kissed me. "You know I have never seen Cass like this, all soft and cuddly. She is usually such a hard ass." He said jokingly. Casey punched his shoulder playfully. "Lier." She said laughing. "Let us start packing." She said turning to look at me. "Thank you for everything Benji, we will see you tomorrow," Casey said walking to the door. "Yeah at the ass crack of dawn." He grumbled causing Casey to burst out laughing. I giggled at his obvious disgruntlement.

She closed the door behind Benji and turned to face me again, giving me her full attention. "I missed you." She told me. "I missed you too," I replied. "Yeah? Show me how much you missed me." She said suggestively. "Not now babe, we have a lot to do for tomorrow." I reminded her. She walked back over to me, kissing me before saying, "okay baby. Let us get to it." We unpacked the shopping bags and started to pack everything. Some things we left unpacked as they were for the house while other things like clothes, shoes, and non-perishable foods we packed into the duffle bags.

An hour later we had finished packing the bags as well as packing away the things we needed for the house. I made my way to the kitchen in dire need of coffee while Casey made herself comfortable on the couch. "Would you like some coffee love?" I asked her. "Yes please baby." She said. I busied myself with making us coffee lost in thought. Once the coffee was done I brought the mugs into the lounge, setting them down on the coffee table. "Thank you, love," Casey said picking up her mug and taking a sip. I took a sip of my own and sat down next to her.

"Are you sure you want to do this?" Casey asked me. I looked over at her. "Yes, I am sure. I need to see it, to see where my parents are. I need to save my brother. Growing up I was the one that took most of the abuse and the punishments. I protected Adam and I do not plan on leaving him there so that they can corrupt him and hurt him. I made a vow that I would always be there to help him and shield him from harm. I am not going to let him down." I told her. "I understand. How old is he?" she asked. "He will turn twenty next month," I said. "He is still young. Lucky for us." "Why do you say that?" I asked. "Because if he were twenty-five like me then he would have already been made alpha and there would be nothing we could do about that. Becoming alpha is a right, the pack has to choose you if they do not then there is a match and if he were to lose then he would be exiled forever." Casey explained.

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