Chapter Eleven Casey Waters POV

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I woke up with a start when I heard loud banging coming from my bedroom door. "Casey! Wake up! You are late!" I heard Benji shout from the other side of the door. I quickly got up, threw on a pair of jeans and a hunting jacket, and yanked open the door. I caught in mid-air with his arm ready to know again. "What is it, Benji?" "Is that Morgan?" he asked grinning. "Watch it, Benji, keep your eyes on your own mate," I growled. "Sorry." He said lowering his head in a show of respect. "Now what is it?" I asked again. "The Alpha ceremony... everyone is waiting on you. It is about to start in an hour. Your parents made me come and get you." "Oh shit, I completely forgot it was today." I groaned. "Give me half an hour," I told him before going back into the bedroom and closing the door behind me.

I walked over to the bed and crawled on it towards Morgan. She was still asleep which amazed me. Morgan was one of the few people I knew that could sleep through anything. I half laid down next to her, my hand rubbing up and down her arms lovingly. I kissed her cheek before saying, "Morgan, baby, it is time to get up love." I said gently kissing her again. "What time is it?" she mumbled; her eyes still closed. "It is about ten right now," I told her. "Oh shit, your Alpha ceremony. It is today." "Yes, it is." I laughed. "Come on up you get my love. I am going to take a shower quick, want to join me?" I asked her. "I will be there in a sec," she said sitting up and rubbing her eyes.

I jumped off the bed and made my way to the bathroom. I was not normally a morning person but waking up next to Morgan put me in high spirits. I entered the bathroom, took off my clothes, and turned on the shower, throwing my clothes in the hamper before I climbed into the shower. The water was blissfully hot and released all the tension out of my muscles. A few seconds later Morgan walked in, nude as the day she was born, and climbed into the shower.

I smiled, placing my hands on her hips and pulling her closer so that she was flush against my body, the water pouring over both of us. "Hello there," I said smiling down at the gorgeous woman against me. "Hey." She replied smiling. I leaned down and kissed her sweetly. I pulled away and grabbed a scrunchy, pouring some body wash on it before turning back to Morgan. I began washing her, tracing my fingers through the soapy trail I left behind. I made sure that she was thoroughly cleaned before I washed myself.

We rinsed off and got out, wrapping towels around ourselves before heading to the bedroom. I handed Morgan a set of clothes to were as we had not had time to go down to town to get her clothes yet. We got dressed, Morgan wearing a long-sleeved shirt with dark blue jeans while I had on a long-sleeved black button-up shirt and black jeans. I handed Morgan a wool jacket and threw on my hunting jacket. I grabbed her hand and we made our way to the kitchen.

Benji was still here so I made the three of us coffee, setting the hot mugs on the coffee table. I sat in silence and Morgan and Benji got to know each other better. After all, Benji would be Morgan's beta soon and would be tasked with watching over her and I as well as protecting us. I trusted Benji with my life as he trusted me with his. When I choose my Beta it will be him as my second and Jess as my beta-omega. Both were one in the same ranking-wise. But if something had to happen to me Benji would take over the pack until an heir was chosen.

I looked up at the clock on the wall, "Shit, we need to get going." I said getting up, taking the three empty mugs with me to the kitchen. Benji opened the door and the three of us left the house, the door slamming closed behind us. We made our way to the great hall; Morgan and I hand in hand. Once we entered we took our place at the head table where my family sat and Jess. The ceremony began as soon as the last pack member was seated.

My father stood up and a hush fell over the room. Anyone could easily tell that the entire pack respected my father. "today I stand before you all to announce the new Alpha. All rise." My father said. Everyone stood up as I made my way in front of the long table.

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