Chapter Sixteen Morgan Bane's POV

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I woke up to the sound of laughter drifting through the half-open bedroom door. I sat up and stretched my arms above my head before getting up. Casey wasn't next to me which didn't surprise me, I knew how worried she must have been about Jess. I made my way out of the quaint bedroom and into the lounge area. "Morning everyone." I greeted them when everyone's eyes turned to me. "Morning Luna." They all greeted. I watched as Casey stood up and made her way toward me.

She pulled me into a warm embrace, kissing my forehead sweetly as she pulled away slightly. "Good morning love slept well?" she asked smiling. I couldn't help but smile as I nodded my head. "Want some coffee Luna?" Benji asked. "Please," I said as Casey grabbed my hand and guided me to one of the sofas. We sat down just before Benji handed me a steaming mug of coffee. "Thank you, Benji," I said making him smile.

Once everyone's coffee was finished we got to packing up everything and loading it into the car. Once everything was done and the apartment was clean we all headed out, making a stop at the manager's office to hand over the keys before making our way to the car. Once everyone was in and seated comfortably, well as comfortable as you can get with four people in the back seat, Casey started the car, heading back the way we came, back to the pack grounds.

"Morgan?" I heard my brother call. I turned around in my seat to face him. "What... what happened to our parents? Why were we forced to stay with him? Why did you leave me for so long?" He questioned, tears streaming down his face. I tried to contain my own tears. My brother was a little taller than me, with sea-washed blond hair that complemented his ocean-blue eyes and soft, almost angelic, facial features. "Adam I am so sorry for leaving you... with that monster..." I choked over my words as I told him the brief details about our parents. "Please Morgan, I need to see them," Adam begged me. I looked over at my mate who looked back at me. Casey smiled and nodded her head in agreement. "We can go love." She assured me.

It didn't take long for us to reach the Bane Pack ruins and burial grounds. Casey pulled to a stop just on the outskirts of the ruins where a once proud pack stood. We all got out when Casey stopped the car. I grabbed her hand, instantly feeling better, as we watched my little brother wander through the ruins. About ten minutes later Adam made his way back to where we all stood. "There's nothing left." He whispered sadly. I pulled him into a hug. We stood there for a while, hugging each other as my brother cried on my shoulder. When he had calmed down we pulled apart. I grabbed his hand and nodded at my mate to lead the way to the pack burial site.

Casey led us through the overgrown vegetation and undergrowth as we made our way to a large clearing that overlooked a small lake. "Wait here," I whispered to the four of them before leading Adam to where our parents were buried. Adam instantly fell to his knees just as I had. I watched as he touched each headstone softly as if he was scared that they would disintegrate if he touched them too hard. He sat there for a while, his hands on the ground on top of where they were laid to rest, tears streaming down his face. I could feel his heartbreak as if it were my own heart breaking again.

I sunk to the ground next to my brother, my arm around his shoulder as I whispered, "Vale et vale. Ut cum deae currunt animabus vestris." It was a rite of passing that the words were spoken by the eldest child. Adam turned into me, embracing me. I hugged him tightly as he clung to me. We stayed like that for a while until Casey tapped my shoulder, letting us know that it was time to go. We both got up and followed my mate to where the others stood waiting for us. Once we reached them we all made our way back to where Casey had parked the car. Once we were all in, Casey started the car and drove us back home.

I woke up to a soft hand gently shaking my shoulder. I opened my eyes and smiled at the beautiful face that greeted me. Casey was extremely beautiful, inside and out. "Come on buttercup, we are home." She said giving me her hand so that she could help me out of the car. The night seemed to have just fallen as the sky hadn't completely darkened and the stars were not at their full brightness. The pack had gathered around us to welcome us back. Casey kissed my temple before whispering, "Take your brother to our home, I will meet you there later." I nodded my head, grabbing Adam's hand and leading him to the house. I opened the door and led him inside. "Sit, I'll make some hot chocolate," I said to him as I made my way into the kitchen and busied myself with the hot drinks.

Once I was done, I carried the steaming mugs over to where my brother sat staring at the warm fire. I placed the mugs on the coffee table and sat down, angling my body so that I was looking at him. I waited patiently for him to speak or look at me. I knew that he must have had a million and one things running wild through his mind at the moment.

"Can you tell me everything that happened to our parents, how we ended up at that hell hole, how you came here, how long are we going to be staying here for? Tell me everything I have missed while you were away." He begged turning to face me. I took my mug of hot chocolate off the table as he did the same. I took a sip, staring down at my hands holding the steaming mug between them. I took a deep breath before I started answering all of his questions.

"There were two packs, and the leader of each pack were brothers, alphas in their own right. The one pack, the Blood moon pack, was led by Elijah Grey and the Bane pack was led by our father, Lucas Grey. The two were at war with each other, a war that lasted over a decade. Casey's father and this pack were allies with the Bane pack, and had been since their grandparents were leaders of this pack." I started.

"No one knows how the war started or who struck first. All anyone knows is that the two packs disagreed on how things should be done. The Bane pack believed that we should help and protect other wolves and fae no matter what their rank was. The Blood moon pack believed that our father was wrong, that packs should be led by blood status and ranks, and that we should all be divided and segregated by status. So, a long war began. Casey's pack backed our pack because they believed them to be in the right. And a new pack, the Mist moon pack, backed Elijah's pack."

"What happened Morgan? Please I need to know" My brother begged. "Ten years into the long war Casey's father and their pack drew back out of the war. They still offered their support but refused to fight in any way. Once they had withdrawn the Blood moon pack saw the weaknesses in the Bane pack. Six years went by and eventually, Elijah won. He destroyed the Bane pack and its members, and burned the entire place to the ground."

I paused and took in a breath, steadying myself before continuing.

"When they went to the ruins of the Bane pack they found nothing but dead bodies. They thought that everyone had died. So, they buried the bodies and made their way back home. People would often hear rumors that Lucas' two children had survived, that they were living with the Mist moon pack. Us. They tried their best to find out if the rumors were true but there was only so much they could do. The Mist moon pack leader Mason Mateo is a ruthless man and must have taken the two children as some sort of sick trophy." I finished.

I saw the anger filling my brother's entire being. I placed my hand gently on his shoulder trying to reassure him and calm him down. "As to why I'm here, I crashed my plane on the outskirts of the pack's territory. I was injured badly. I ended up here. Casey helped me, along with others that you would surely get to know better. Casey ended up being my mate, she is the Alpha of this pack, our pack." "Our pack? You're the Luna?" He asked. I just nodded my head. "Morgan that's amazing! You found your mate and people who love you, friends, family, and a home. I am so happy for you!" Adam exclaimed hugging me tightly.

"Thank you, little brother," I said laughing. "How long would I be able to stay here for?" Adam asked. I could clearly see the worry etched on his face which caused his eyes to darken. Just as I was about to answer his question the front door burst open. I jumped up in fright but calmed down when I realized it was Casey's brother. "Apologies Luna but I had to see for myself, I had to know if it was true..." He trailed off as I stood aside allowing him a full view of Adam.

Adam stood up looking sheepish and a little shocked that his mate stood just a few feet from him. Jax walked toward my brother and embraced him tightly. I couldn't hear the words that they uttered to each other but I could see Adam relax into his mates' embrace. I knew now that my brother wouldn't want to leave knowing full well that his mate was here. I smiled and made my way out of the house, giving them some privacy to talk. I kicked at the freshly fallen snow, deep in thought. I didn't even realize that Casey was making her way toward me until I felt her warm hand on my cheek.

I looked up at her and smiled, before taking notice of the people standing behind her. Casey's parents, Benji and Jess stood just a few inches behind my mate. "What's wrong? Did something happen?" I asked them. "Love, we should talk inside." That was all she said. I nodded my head as we all made our way into the house.

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